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JPIC Report Fall/Winter Issue Now Available October 21st, 2011

The Fall/Winter Issue of our bi-annual newsletter is now available. (Download the PDF…)

This issue includes articles on the “Books to Prisons” project, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Environmental Justice at Mary Immaculate, Faith and Values in Investing, ICCR’s 40th Anniversary, California legislation Against Slavery and Trafficking, a VIVAT International Workshop in India, Economic Growth vs a Steady State Economy, and the The Foreclosure Crisis.

Faith Based Community Organizers host Public Gathering on Foreclosure Crisis in Virginia October 6th, 2011

On October 30th VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement) member institutions will hold a public gathering with more than 1,000 people to celebrate progress on their recent campaigns, especially their work to address the foreclosure crisis in Prince William County, Manassas, & Manassas Park. The Oblates have supported VOICE’s work on foreclosures by having given the organization access to company meetings and  connecting them with other faith-based shareholder activists.

The upcoming action will be an opportunity to celebrate successes (in Prince William County and across Northern Virginia) and to announce next steps to address local reinvestment needs.

Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) and senior bank executives will be in attendance.

Click here to read more »

“Values in Finance: Are we ready to learn the lessons?” September 27th, 2011

In a talk given at Trinity College, Dublin on the 15th Anniversary of Clann Credo – The Social Investment Fund, Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI talked about the need for the faith community to engage with business on questions of ethics and to work for more sustainable practices and institutions. He made three main points:

  1. Faith communities and traditions need to re-engage in the discussion of purpose and operations of the financial systems and their priorities.
  2. The damage that has been done to the people and the environment for the sake of fat profits and in the name of “progress’ has been tremendous and needs to ne examined.
  3. Religious communities, institutions and believers have always been willing to dream, innovate and risk new initiatives for the promotion of the common good.

Read his speech…

Fr. Finn is active in faith responsible investing through the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility where he serves on the Board, and in 3iG, an international, interfaith coalition of institutional investors.

Restore Faith in the Markets August 17th, 2011

Read Fr. Seamus’ latest blog post on Huffington Post and learn why religious values are important in maintaining a well-functioning economy.

Help Celebrate ICCR’s 40th Anniversary! August 12th, 2011

Please join us in New York on September 22nd for ICCR’s Special Anniversary event!

Register here…

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