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Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI, Moderates Sustainable Banking Rountable at Oblate School of Theology April 7th, 2016


From L to R: Josh Inner, CEO ICCR, Anna Falkenberg, ED SRIC, Rev Seamus P. Finn OMI OIP Trust, Vincent Siciliano, CEO New Resource Bank, Laurie Spengler, President & CEO Enclude, Darrin L. Williams, CEO Southern Bancorp, Jan Pierce, Enclude

On April 6 the OIP Trust joined with the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility , the Socially Responsible Investing Coalition of San Antonio and the Global Alliance for Banking on Values to sponsor a roundtable on Sustainable Banking. The event was moderated by Rev. Seamus Finn, OMI, and took place at the Whitley Theological Center at Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX.

The roundtable brought together local bankers, faith consistent investors, academics and asset managers. The panelists helped to identify and demonstrate models of sustainable banking that are consistent with the kinds of banks that Pope Francis continues to call for as he calls the global community to the creation of a Capitalism 2.0 that offers needed services to all especially the poor and marginalized and places a much higher priority on “care for our common home”.

Oblate featured on International Business News Channel January 11th, 2016

Seamus P. FinnFr. Seamus Finn, OMI discusses a proposal that calls for a greater level of transparency and shareholder participation with Viacom…

Read the full article.






Fr Seamus Finn OMI interviewed by Bloomberg TV and New York Times, Discusses Corporate Engagements September 22nd, 2015

Father-SeamusFr. Seamus Finn OMI was featured on Bloomberg TV morning show discussing socially responsible engagements with Bank of America. The live interview was aired Tuesday, September 22.

The New York Times also interviewed Fr. Seamus Finn OMI about the ongoing corporate engagements with Bank of America. At the core of the discussion is the shareholder action requesting a separate role as Chairman and C.E.O. of the company. Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI is Chief of Faith Consistent Investing – OIP Investment Trust and a Consultant to the JPIC office.

Find Bloomberg TV interview & New York Times interview here.




Faith-based Investors Help VOICE to Secure Needed Funding from GE April 28th, 2015

200px-General_Electric_logo.svgFaith-based and socially responsible investors enabled leaders from VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement) to use their proxies to attend the GE AGM in Oklahoma City on April 22. VOICE was interested to attend the AGM to press GE to commit to $1 million in funding for the Metro IAF/VOICE Equity Restoration Fund. The faith-based activists had already secured $1 million from J.P. Morgan and $1.5 million from Bank of America.

Their effort was successful, which the faith leaders learned in an email from the company just as they were boarding their flight to Oklahoma. The grant will serve to leverage $10 million+ from religious and other social investors to help finance the rehabilitation of blighted and abandoned properties, construction of new homes, the development of affordable rental housing, and other community restoration activities in Prince William County, VA.

The Oblates, through Fr Seamus Finn, OMI have been working with VOICE for several years on this initiative designed to help those crushed by the mortgage crisis in 2007-08.

Read the letter from GE committing to this grant funding.

Invested in Change: Faith Consistent Investing in a Climate-Challenged World April 14th, 2015

“Invested in Change: Faith-Consistent Investing In A Climate-Challenged World” is a document produced by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), intended to catalyze discussion around practical solutions needed to speed the shift to low-carbon and sustainable energy alternatives. It is offered as an open invitation to companies, investors and advocates to share their gifts in the collective work to build more sustainable and climate-resilient economies, businesses and communities.

Learn more…


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