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Fall 2010 Issue of the JPIC Report Available October 10th, 2010

Read the new issue of the JPIC Report. If you are not receiving a hard copy in the mail and would like to, please contact the JPIC Office by emailing Rowena Gono.

Read the Fall 2010 JPIC Report (Download PDF)

A Big Victory for Congo and Extractive Industries Transparency in the US Financial Reform Bill July 16th, 2010

OUKBS-UK-FINANCIAL-REGULATIONOn July 15, the United States Senate voted 60-39 to approve the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. President Obama is expected to sign the measure into law next week. While the text of the financial reform act fills more than 2,300 pages, the many rules and regulations needed to implement it have not yet been written. This work by U.S. regulators is expected to take months, possibly years.

The legislation included an important provision requiring energy and mining companies to disclose how much they pay to foreign countries and the U.S. government for oil, gas, and minerals. The provision, based on the Energy Security through Transparency Act (S. 1700),  will require companies registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to disclose payments to foreign governments for the commercial development of oil, natural gas, and minerals. This disclosure will apply to all companies filing with the SEC, regardless of where they are based, meaning that most of the world’s top extractive industries would be covered by this law.

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ICCR Members on The Daily Show: Holier Than Dow June 20th, 2010

Members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) working on financial reform appear on The Daily Show. Samantha Bee interviewed the group of Catholics: Seamus Finn, OMI, Sr. Barbara Aires, SCNJ, Fr. Joe LaMar, MM and Cathy Rowan, representing the Maryknoll Sisters.

Watch the video:


Watch the video on the Daily Show website

Senate Financial Reform Bill Passes the Senate May 26th, 2010

Despite huge opposition from the big Wall Street banks, the financial reform bill passed in the Senate on May 20th. This is an important step in reining in the casino economy and in creating a banking system that serves Main Street, not just Wall Street.

Here’s what the Senate bill will do if made law:

  • Create a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The CFPB will be a watchdog for consumers to protect them from questionable mortgages and credit card deals.
  • End the casino economy bring the $600 trillion derivatives market into the light of day with the advent of exchange trading (transparency) and capital requirements (insuring accountability).

Read more about the bill on the website of Americans for Financial Reform.

The next step in the legislative process is the House and Senate conference committee which will hammer out the differences between the two bills. (Read about the House version here.) Once the committee agrees on a bill, it must be passed by a majority in the House and by 60 votes in the Senate.

Visit Americans for Financial Reform to find out what you can do to insure sensible financial reform happens.

Action Alert: Stop Racial Profiling and Urge Financial Reform April 22nd, 2010

stopsign201x191Help Stop Racial Profiling in Arizona

Whether you reside in the state or not, Arizona Governor Brewer needs to hear your opposition to the Anti-Immigrant bill now before her. Tell Governor Brewer to veto SB1070!

Showdown-Image-300x229Tell Your Senators to Support Financial Reform

Go to the Action Alert for details…

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