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News from the UN March 1st, 2010

united-nationsFollow-up on Copenhagen Accord on Climate Change

The United Nations has set-up a High-Level Panel to implement a key component of the Copenhagen Accord to promote climate mitigation and adaptation financing in developing countries.

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Action Alert: Carbon Fast and More… February 12th, 2010

February Action Alert

image007A ‘Lent Carbon Fast’ calendar is available from the Environmental Outreach Committee of the Archdiocese of Washington. Please consider using the Lent Carbon Fast Calendar as part of your Lenten discipline.

spread_the_word_smTake Action: Demand Financial Transparency – Tell the G20 to Create Financial Transparency and staunch the flow of capital out of poor countries.

Sean McDonagh, SSC Laments Lost Opportunity at Copenhagen January 8th, 2010

Fr Sean McDonaghSean McDonagh, SSC, a respected author and speaker on environmental issues and one of the most articulate advocates for action on climate change within the Catholic Church, offers a close up view and analysis of the failed climate conference in Copenhagen.

He wrote a number of excellent brief articles from Copenhagen that give a vivid sense of the conference, as well as valuable information on the  climate change debate.

Read his articles here:

Papal World Day of Peace Message – If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation January 4th, 2010

Pope Benedict’s World Day of Peace Message focuses this year on the theme: If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation.

According to the Pope, “Respect for creation is of immense consequence, not least because “creation is the beginning and the foundation of all God’s works”,[1] and its preservation has now become essential for the pacific coexistence of mankind.

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Pope Calls for Greater Environmental Commitment in World Day of Peace Address December 17th, 2009

Pope Benedict called for greater environmental commitment in his message for the Roman Catholic Church’s annual World Day of Peace, to be marked on Jan 1 and whose theme is “If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation”

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