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JPIC Report Fall/Winter Issue Now Available October 21st, 2011

The Fall/Winter Issue of our bi-annual newsletter is now available. (Download the PDF…)

This issue includes articles on the “Books to Prisons” project, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Environmental Justice at Mary Immaculate, Faith and Values in Investing, ICCR’s 40th Anniversary, California legislation Against Slavery and Trafficking, a VIVAT International Workshop in India, Economic Growth vs a Steady State Economy, and the The Foreclosure Crisis.

Spring Issue of JPIC Report Now Available May 31st, 2011

The Spring issue of our bi-annual print publication, JPIC Report, is now available on line.

Hard copies copies will be sent to those on our mailing list as soon as it is printed. Please let the JPIC office know if you are interested in receiving a copy. You can reach us through the comments feature on this website.

Download PDF of JPIC News, Spring 2011

Spring 2010 Issue of JPIC Report Available March 18th, 2010

september-2009-jpic-newsThe Spring 2010 issue of JPIC Report, the newsletter of the US Justice, Peace/Integrity of Creation Office of the Missionary Oblates is now available on line.

This issue features updates on Sri Lanka, Haiti, logging in Bangladesh, immigration, financial regulatory reform, an Eco-Tips page and more.

Read the Spring 2010 Issue (Download PDF)

Fall 2009 Issue of JPIC Report Available On-Line September 8th, 2009

september-2009-jpic-newsThe Fall 2009 issue of JPIC Report, the newsletter of the US Justice, Peace/Integrity of Creation Office of the Missionary Oblates is available on line. This issue features updates on Sri Lanka, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Oblate work on faith responsible investing and much more.

Read the Fall 2009 Issue (Download PDF)

G20: Prioritize the Needs of the Poor April 7th, 2009

ls-logo-gifsmOn April 2, the Group of Twenty (G20) World leaders met in London to discuss the global financial crisis and explore ways to address the situation. Created in 1999, the G20 is a meeting of Finance Ministers on matters of global finance. It is composed of a group of seven (G7) wealthy nations, namely Germany, the United States, Britain, Japan, Canada and Italy; 12 members from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and South Africa (the only Africa nation in the G20) and representatives from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union.

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