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Zambian Oblates hold Justice and Peace Workshop June 5th, 2013


Fr. Kennedy Katongo OMI (far left) with Oblate Pre-novices

From February 4th to 8th 2013, a workshop on the spirituality of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation was held for Oblate pre-novices at the Oblate Formation House in Lusaka, Zambia.

Fr. Kennedy Katongo OMI, Director of the Oblate’s Justice and Peace Office in Zambia, convened the workshop. Fr. Katongo shared on the importance of preaching and living the Gospel. He called for JPIC awareness for global positive happenings and challenges facing the world today. ‘Positive happenings’ include industrialization, multiculturalism and intercultural dialogue, development of human rights, transportation and communication. Some of the challenges that require immediate actions include global warming, poverty violence and human rights abuses.

In the workshop closing remarks, the Oblate students were urged to live justly, promote peace and uphold the integrity of creation. Justice and peace work is a call to identify and respond to injustices in society. For Missionary Oblates, the scriptures, Catholic Social Teaching, and Oblate principles provide a background for how we need to respond.

This article first appeared in the OMI Zambia Delegation Newsletter for March 2013 and was written by Oblate Students Chikweto Chungu, Godwin Wali and Ackim Phiri, Lusaka, Zambia.

April Newbrief from the JPIC Commission Office in Rome April 5th, 2012

The Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation USG/UISG Secretariat has issued their Newsbrief for April. The newsletter is available in English and Spanish. Useful resources given on mining, land grabbing, water and more…



Updates on Events and Resources from the JPIC Commission Office in Rome January 26th, 2012

The following is a list of useful upcoming JPIC events and resources:

A course on Catholic Social Teaching (in Spanish): A comprehensive written course on Catholic Social Teaching, prepared for University students, was written and published in Latin America. It can be downloaded at:

JPIC Promoter’s Formation Course in the USA: An intensive week-long seminar for JPIC Congregation promoters takes place at Saint Mary’s Notre Dame, Indiana from June 3-10. The brochure is due out in February. For more information, go to

Click here to read more »

Re-Occupying Main Street November 2nd, 2011

I believe there are analogies and lessons to be drawn from the responsible citizenship on display by demonstrators across the world, and the responsible ownership practiced by active shareholders in corporations.

Read Fr. Finn’s latest blog on Huffington Post…

JPIC Distance Learning Program October 25th, 2011

The Spiritan-owned Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA, launched a JPIC Distance Learning Program in mid-August of this year. For more information, please see our earlier post or go to:


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