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2024 Lenten Resources February 21st, 2024

We invite you to join us this Lent to take actions to help preserve God’s great gift of Creation.

Our friends at Interfaith Power & Light, in partnership Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake and EcoLatinos, have produced downloadable calendars that can be adapted for your community & with different actions you can take during Lent.

Invite your communities to distribute them as bulletin inserts during worship on an upcoming Sunday. Each year, these calendars go up on refrigerators and bulletin boards across communities, and open many conversations about environmental stewardship and climate action.

Ways to eat for good

“Christians have fasted from meat during Lent for generations. Try eating vegetarian today and check out Oxfam’s Eat for Good resource online for other ways to use your fast to bless others”:

Visit their website to download the calendars: 

“May this season serve as a reminder of our interdependence and our call to care for our common home.”



Prepare for Lent with Interfaith Power & Light’s Lenten Carbon Fast Calendar February 25th, 2014

p29Lent, just over a week away, is a time to repent, reflect, sacrifice, and listen for God. This year, have your congregation join with many others in taking on a Lenten Carbon “Fast.” Each day calls on us to take a different action and each of these actions will reduce our production of climate pollution and help to preserve God’s great gift of Creation.

May this season serve as a wake-up call to be mindful of the ways that our daily choices impact everyone, especially people living in poverty.

Download the calendar now and share it with your church to include in their Sunday bulletin!




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