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2023 Season of Creation – “Harmonize Our Hearts” September 7th, 2023

(Image by Shirley Hirst from Pixabay)
By Maurice Lange, current Justice & Peace Director at Presentation Sisters & former Executive Director of the Oblates Lebh Shomea House of Prayer
“The Spirit of God has filled the universe with possibilities and therefore, from the very heart of things, something new can always emerge.” (Laudato Si #80)
READ: 2nd part of Pope Francis’ letter for the 2023 Season of Creation (READ FULL REFLECTION)
REFLECT: Pope Francis calls us during this Season of Creation to dwell upon heartbeats: our own as well as those heartbeats which give us life: our mother’s… Creation’s…God’s… A pilgrimage place (like Lac St. Anne in Canada) is healing…and also inviting of an individual/group to go to the heart of the matter. Francis focuses us this Season by inviting us to journey with him on a pilgrimage. We are called to harmonize our hearts (our perceptions and lifestyles) with the heartbeat of Creation, that which gives life. Where do our hearts beat in harmony with Life? What influences in our society allure us away from such a harmony?
ACT: As we begin this year’s Season of Creation, we must admit how out-of-sync our Western hearts are with the rest of the natural world. Is there a link between such disharmony and our Western addiction to screentime (and derived dopamine)? * During this Season of Creation, create a plan to limit screentime. (And thus, have time and attentiveness to harmonize your heart with that which truly gives life.)
“In the heart of this world, the Lord of life, who loves us so much, is always present.” (LS #245)
Reflections in this series:
Oblate Community Supported Garden Highlighted in Award-Winning Local Newspaper January 8th, 2009
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