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Faith Based Community Organizers host Public Gathering on Foreclosure Crisis in Virginia October 6th, 2011

On October 30th VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement) member institutions will hold a public gathering with more than 1,000 people to celebrate progress on their recent campaigns, especially their work to address the foreclosure crisis in Prince William County, Manassas, & Manassas Park. The Oblates have supported VOICE’s work on foreclosures by having given the organization access to company meetings and  connecting them with other faith-based shareholder activists.

The upcoming action will be an opportunity to celebrate successes (in Prince William County and across Northern Virginia) and to announce next steps to address local reinvestment needs.

Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) and senior bank executives will be in attendance.

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Oblate US JPIC Committee Gathers in Godfrey, Illinois October 19th, 2009

US JPIC Committee Members and Staff Visit Shed Dedicated to Darrell Rupiper, OMI on the CSA at Godfrey, IL

US JPIC Committee Members and Staff Visit the Shed Dedicated to Darrell Rupiper, OMI on the Community Supported Agriculture Project at Godfrey, IL

On October 15 and 16, the United States Province Oblate Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) committee held a bi-annual strategy meeting in Godfrey, Illinois to review, share progress and discuss how to continue the JPIC work most effectively. Part of the agenda included brief updates from staff from the Washington JPIC office, the Oblate Ecological Initiative based in Godfrey and the General Service office in Rome. Committee members also reported on their JPIC work.

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Oblates Work with Parishioners to Save Mortgages April 27th, 2009

artwomancnnJohn Lasseigne, OMI is a priest at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church in the Southern California community of Pacoima, where one in every nine homes is in some stage of foreclosure. He says the people in this community were targeted by predatory lenders and given loans they never should have qualified for.

Fr. Lasseigne and others at Mary Immaculate, has been working with One-LA, a community organizing effort in Los Angeles, to help parishioners re-finance problematic mortgages.

CNN recently did a story on this effort. Watch the video…

Foreclosure Prevention and Job Stimulus Plans Presented to Rep. Howard Berman of California February 4th, 2009

The Oblates of Mary Immaculate staff three parishes in the Los Angeles area. They are active supporters and participants in an effort to address the acute challenges facing homeowners and others hit by the severe economic downturn in their area.

Two proposals to stem foreclosures and stimulate job training were presented recently to the area’s Congressional representative, Howard Berman, a senior democrat in Congress. Presentation took place on January 25 at an assembly of more than 500 people from churches, synagogues and unions in San Fernando CA.

One LA Foreclosure Plan (PDF)

One LA Job Training Plan (PDF)

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