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Reflection on June’s Laudato Si Field Trip With OMI Novices July 8th, 2024

By Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND

One of the important themes running throughout the encyclical is interconnectedness. In paragraph 92 we read, “We can hardly consider ourselves to be fully loving if we disregard any aspect of reality: ‘Peace, justice and the preservation of creation are three absolutely interconnected themes, which cannot be separated and treated individually without once again falling into reductionism. ‘”

In order to explore this theme, it seemed fitting to have a virtual visit with Seamus Finn, OMI, who has been Director of the Office of Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for the U.S. Province for many years.

During our conversation with him, Father Seamus connected us with Oblate history that gave flesh to the JPIC Office and its many years of ministry for the US Province. He showed us how the Office works on the level where laws are made in order not only to shed the light of the Gospel on world issues, but also to have an impact!

We learned that in 1992 the phrase integrity of creation was first used in the Oblate world along with the idea of ecological vocation and the encouragement to care for the environment. From that time onward, the integrity of creation became part of OMI missionary life and ministry.

Father Seamus’ broad-ranging knowledge of finance, justice, and ecology, along with his experience of visiting many countries around the world where OMI ministers, opened our eyes to the importance of sharing oneself on many levels, networking both locally and globally.

We felt grateful to have met this Oblate who has had a positive impact on our world!

Missionary Oblates join faith,business & human right groups to urge Congress to Support U.S. Embassy in Cuba. July 20th, 2015

TheIMG_1213 Missionary Oblates joined more than 28 diverse organizations including our partner organization,Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) in issuing a joint statement urging Congress to support the establishment of a U.S. embassy in Cuba.

The statement reads, “The establishment of embassies is not an endorsement of a foreign government. It is simply a platform from which to engage host country government officials, members of civil society and business groups.”

Read the statement here: Support for a US Embassy in Cuba FULL HOUSE and SENATE (1)

Goodbye to Plastic Bags in Laredo Texas April 14th, 2015

Laredo, Texas has banned the use of plastic bags, after a nearly decades-long campaign by community based environmental groups. Fr. Bill Davis, OMI joins in this PSA video to alert people to the ban, which will start on April 30th.

The ban will prohibit single-use retail plastic bags with a less than 4 mil thickness, and single-use paper bags with a less than a 30-pound weight standard. Exceptions have been made for restaurants, fast food establishments, meat products, dry cleaners, newspapers, nonprofits, and foods that are chilled or frozen.

Each year, Laredo – a city of roughly 240,000 people – consumes an average of 120 million plastic bags, according to city estimates. The city is littered with plastic bags, and they have created a significant problem for the city’s creeks and storm drains, as well as the Rio Grande, the city’s only source of drinking water.

The Rio Grande International Study Center (RGISC), a non-profit that works with the Oblates in Laredo and now the JPIC Office, spearheaded the effort to clean up local waterways.


Oblates Press Banks to Restore Public Trust May 21st, 2014


JP Morgan Chase Tower, Houston, TX; by Gabor Eszes, used under Creative Commons license, Wikimedia Commons

JP Morgan Chase Tower, Houston, TX; by Gabor Eszes, used under Creative Commons license, Wikimedia Commons

Fr. Seamus Finn OMI represented the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and other members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) at the Annual General Meeting of JP Morgan Chase in Tampa on Tuesday.

Fr. Finn commended the bank on the steps taken thus far to produce a report commissioned by the Board of Directors in response to an ICCR shareholder proposal. The report is to describe “the steps that the Firm has taken to address a number of challenges it faced” since the near collapse of the global financial system in 2008.

Fr. Finn noted that “too many people are still living with the consequences of that crisis and the TRUST and confidence of the public has neither been repaired or restored. We believe the report that we have requested and our company has agreed to complete over the coming months can, when its recommendations are implemented, make a contribution to the restoration of the trust that is necessary for the reliable, safe, effective and ethical functioning of the financial system.”

Read the complete Statement at JP Morgan Chase AGM






Connect with OMI JPIC Today! February 21st, 2014

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