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What You’ve Missed on the Oblate JPIC FaceBook Site January 16th, 2014

Fr. John Cox OMI shared a brief reflection on the social justice ministry at his Oblate community on our Facebook page this week. He says social justice ministry involves building bridges of awareness, acceptance and appreciation between natives (Ojibwe) and non-natives on the reservation. It is encouraging alcoholics, meth and prescription pill addicts and their families to seek recovery; and lastly educating people about domestic violence and the resources and programs available on or near the area that help families.


Members of the Ojibwe tribe at the annual pow-wow in Ponsford, MN

Members of the Ojibwe tribe at the annual pow-wow in Ponsford, MN












Youth Confirmation Class, flanked by Fr John on the left and their coordinator, Mrs. Angie Lehrke on the right.

Youth Confirmation Class, flanked by Fr John on the left and their coordinator, Mrs. Angie Lehrke on the right.













(Fr. John Cox OMI is a Pastor and Director to Oblate Parish Ministry Team in Waubun in MN. He joined Walter Butor OMI there in the past year. His work includes pastoral ministry to Native Americans. Fr. John is also a former member of the Oblate JPIC Committee)


San Fernando JPIC Group Active in Social Justice Ministry October 9th, 2013

CA447278-DCA2-4ED7-B302-217FEC316C13The Social Justice Group from Mary Immaculate, Santa Rosa, and San Ferdinand Church participated in a large march for comprehensive immigration reform that was held in Los Angeles over the weekend. Three buses went from San Fernando Valley to Downtown LA.


The group walked together with more that 10,000 people. The march covered about two miles and finished in front of the Los Angeles City Hall.


The Social Justice group has also been offering citizenship classes every Thursday from 6:pm to 9:00pm. More than 40 students ranging from in their 40’s to 70 years old participate. The classes are free.

Thanks to Br Lucio Cruz OMI for this information!


Vatican Hosts Mining CEO’s in a “Day of Reflection” September 11th, 2013

vatican mining meeting 2013

Participants of the “Vatican Day of Reflection on Mining” in front of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in Rome                                                                 



The CEOs of some of the world’s top mining companies went to the Vatican for a day-long meeting last Saturday to discuss better ways to operate in communities that are increasingly protesting the destructive impacts of mining. Communities are fearful – with good reason – of the impacts of mining on their water, land and air.

Saturday’s “day of reflection with the mining industry,” was organized, at the request of leaders in the mining sector, by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. It included the CEOs of Anglo American, Rio Tinto and Newmont Mining, who alone represented companies with well more than $100-billion (U.S.) in market value. The chairmen, presidents or senior executives of dozens of other companies, ranging from AngloGold Ashanti to African Rainbow Minerals, were also present. Fr. Seamus Finn OMI, from the USP JPIC team in Washington DC, was invited to be a part of the team that prepared the day of reflection and offered input during the day. Pope Francis offered a message of greeting and challenge to the group and offered his prayers and blessings on the event.

The companies were interested “to open a dialogue where mining interfaces with the community … to hear other views with the promise of all of us making a difference.”

Click here to read more »

Sri Lanka Media Attacks Brought to UN Attention June 3rd, 2013

WPF0509131Two written statements on Sri Lanka were presented recently to the 23rd Session of the UN General Assembly for the promotion and protection of Human Rights, Civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights and against all forms of Discrimination and Racism.

Sri Lanka: Systematic attacks on freedom of expression and the media requires specific attention of the Human Rights Council was submitted by the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Download PDF)

Freedom of Assembly in the Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka was submitted by the International Movement against all Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) (Download PDF)

The General Service of OMI JPIC in 2009 spelled out the Oblate commitment to Human Rights, a commitment that was endorse by the present General Administration saying: “We commit ourselves so that all peoples should be respected in their right to life from conception to life’s natural end and to have access to basic human needs as well as enjoy the right to enjoy the free exercise of civic, political, social, religious and cultural rights, and to have a healthy community to live in”.

Another Oblate mission priority under PEACE and RECONCILIATION states:

“Inspired by Jesus who died to reconcile all peoples with God and guided by St. Eugene’s pastoral concern for reconciliation between people in his missionary activity takes us to commit ourselves to promote peace and reconciliation in identifying and acknowledging the nature of the historical divisions and animosity which exists between countries and ethnic groups; also to explore opportunities and learning tools and processes that can make a positive contribution to the peacemaking process”.


International AIDS 2012, July 22 – 27: Turning the Tide Together July 28th, 2012

The following issues were discussed at the International AIDS Conference this week:

Oblates at the AIDS Conference

Faith-Based Organizations Meet To Discuss HIV/AIDS Response at the 2012 International AIDS Conference

On the sidelines of the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), faith-based organizations and leaders came together to discuss their efforts to respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. One faith gathering, titled “The Summit on the Role of the Christian Faith Community in Global Health and HIV/AIDS,” was held at Georgetown University. Other faith based pre-conferences included the International Catholic AIDS conference at American Catholic University and the InterFaith International Conference on AIDS. Members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) – in which the Oblates are active – presented on one of the panels about the long-standing faith-based dialogs with pharmaceutical companies.

France To Launch Financial Transactions Tax To Help Fund Global AIDS Response

“A new tax on financial transactions is set to launch in France in August, and could generate billions of dollars to help fund the global fight against HIV/AIDS,…We want to create additional innovative financing instruments. This is the aim of the tax on financial transactions which my country has decided to implement,” said French President Francois Hollande, speaking in a pre-recorded video message at the plenary session of the International AIDS Conference.




Secretary Clinton Reaffirms the United State Government’s Commitment To an ‘AIDS-Free Generation,’ Pledging More Than $150M For Global Efforts

In a speech delivered at the XIX International AIDS Conference last Monday, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton underscored the United States commitment to achieving an ‘AIDS-free generation’ and announced more than $150 million in additional funding. The breakdown of the pledge is as follows:

  • $80 million, to be dedicated towards preventing mother-to-child transmission abroad, with the goal of eliminating it by the year 2015;
  • $40 million allotted for voluntary male circumcision in Africa to decrease risk of transmission of the virus;
  • $15 million for research on interventions;
  • $20 million toward bolstering country-led efforts to expand HIV-related services;
  • $2 million funding for civil society groups to reach key populations affected by HIV

Marching with AIDS activists near the White House

Oblates at the Global Village, The Heart of the International AIDS 2012 Conference

The Global Village at the International AIDS Conference has been a platform for communities, activists and practitioners representing diversity and solidarity. The Oblates were represented by JPIC Staff George Ngolwe, summer Fellow Fr. Ashok Stephen OMI (Sri Lanka), who attended several sessions at the global village, and Fr. Joseph Phiri OMI (Zambia) who took time from his busy academic schedule to volunteer at the Conference. See elsewhere on the JPIC website for the photos from the AIDS conference.

The next International AIDS Conference will be held in Melbourne in July 2014

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