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Interfaith Center For Corporate Responsibility: Celebrating A Legacy And Renewing A Promise! October 12th, 2011

Seamus Finn’s latest blog on Huffington Post looks at the 40 year legacy of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR):

“In 1971 a small group of believers decided to establish the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility to facilitate and coordinate their efforts to engage and challenge US corporations who had a presence in South Africa. The apartheid system of government was already well entrenched and they were searching for tools and opportunities that could join the chorus of advocates that were working to dismantle the apartheid system. Their objective was very simple; ask and advocate that US companies withdraw from South Africa and therefore deprive the government of any of the products or tax revenues that enabled their system of government to continue.”

Read the blog…

Bejoy Nicephorus D’Cruze newly installed as Oblate Bishop of Sylhet October 3rd, 2011

Oblate Bishop Bejoy D’Cruze was installed on September 30, 2011 as Bishop of the newly formed Diocese of Sylhet. This is the country’s 7th diocese, which was created on July 8th.

The new diocese has seven parishes and 11 mission centers with about 17,000 mostly tribal Catholics, served by 21 priests and 33 Religious. Bishop D’Cruze had served ably as Bishop of Khulna before his appointment to the new diocese.

Sylhet has been a locus of JPIC work in Bangladesh, with Oblate support for efforts against illegal logging and in support of land and other rights of the indigenous Khasis and Garo peoples.

Learn more…


Oblates Celebrate ICCR’s 40th Anniversary! September 29th, 2011

The group representing the Oblates at the ICCR 40th Anniversary event held in New York on September 22, 2011 from left to right are: Anne Van Dyke; Andrew Small, OMI; George Ngolwe; Seamus Finn, OMI; Christina Herman; Mary O'Herron; Daniel LeBlanc, OMI.


The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility celebrates its 40th Anniversary this year. The Oblate JPIC staff, which is deeply engaged in the work of faith-based shareholder advocacy, joined in the celebration which followed a week of strategizing on issues as diverse as human trafficking, immigration, mining, responsible finance, water and access to medicines.

“Values in Finance: Are we ready to learn the lessons?” September 27th, 2011

In a talk given at Trinity College, Dublin on the 15th Anniversary of Clann Credo – The Social Investment Fund, Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI talked about the need for the faith community to engage with business on questions of ethics and to work for more sustainable practices and institutions. He made three main points:

  1. Faith communities and traditions need to re-engage in the discussion of purpose and operations of the financial systems and their priorities.
  2. The damage that has been done to the people and the environment for the sake of fat profits and in the name of “progress’ has been tremendous and needs to ne examined.
  3. Religious communities, institutions and believers have always been willing to dream, innovate and risk new initiatives for the promotion of the common good.

Read his speech…

Fr. Finn is active in faith responsible investing through the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility where he serves on the Board, and in 3iG, an international, interfaith coalition of institutional investors.

Something Stinks in San Fernando! September 26th, 2011

Eco-Alert for residents of Pacoima, CA:

All American Asphalt must be held accountable for the odors coming from their facility. We are taking action to make sure that our voices are heard loud and clear: eliminate the smells now!

South Coast Air Quality Management District, the organization in charge of regulating the asphalt plant’s emissions, has given us a number to call and report these odors. 8 calls a day are needed in order for them to take action against All American Asphalt. The number is 800-288-7664. Your call can make a difference!


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