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Oblate Presents at 12th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice April 29th, 2010

Jose de Filo UN Crime Congress April 2010Br. Jose de Jesus Filho, OMI represented the Catholic Prison Ministry of Brazil in discussions at the 12th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice held in Salvador, Brazil from 12-19 April, 2010.

Nearly all countries sent delegations to the Congress. The draft declaration will be finalized in May at the UNODC in Vienna, and presented to the 19th UN Commission on Crime Prevention.

In accordance with the Brazilian Government, the International Prison Ministry promoted an exhibition of paintings by prisoners from all over the world. The National Secretary of Justice Romeu Tuma Jr., along with the President of the International Commission on Prison Pastoral, Christian Kuhn, inaugurated the show with a nice reception. Prisoners were present also through a theater piece called “Bizzarro” promoted by the National Penitentiary Department.

The Prison Ministry was involved in discussion on many important issues, the most important of which were:

  • Proposed conversion of existing Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners into a Convention; in other words what is today a soft-law will turn into a binding law;
  • Proposal of UN Basic Principles for Pastoral Care in Prisons
  • Proposal of Thailand for the Treatment of Women Arrested

The creation of a Convention met resistance from some countries like the United States and Canada, which do not welcome the idea of a new Convention. However, most countries in Latin America are in favor of the idea, because this would be an effort to improve the conditions of incarceration in these countries.

Read the full report on the Congress (Download PDF)

Vatican Radio Interviews Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI Interviewed on Bringing Faith Values to the Financial Sector April 26th, 2010

Vatican RadioPutting faith principles back into the world of finance and business is not usually the business of priests, but it is for Oblate Seamus Finn, Director of the Justice, Peace/Integrity of Creation Office of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Washington, DC. Past President of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and Executive Committee member of 3iG (the International Interfaith Investment Group), Fr. Seamus has worked for two decades to encourage faith institutions to bring their values to bear on corporate decision making.

Fr. Seamus explains why people of faith can and should bring their values to bear on the financial sector in particular in an interview with Vatican Radio. What is the economy for? What does it do to people and how do we participate in it? Is it helpful to local communities? What impacts are the economic structures in which we participate having on people and on the earth? How do we account for the damage done to the environment? Many would say that this system is built on the basis of continual growth and consumption without always taking into account the fact that natural resources are limited.

Learn more – listen to the broadcast…

Fr. George McLean, OMI Lauded in Article January 13th, 2010

George McLean“In 40 years of quiet work, Oblate Fr. George F. McLean has traveled the globe — China, India, Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America — promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding on basic human and social issues among thinkers in scores of countries.” Thus begins a fascinating account of the life work of Fr. George McLean, OMI – written by Jerry Filteau,  Washington correspondent of the National Catholic Reporter.

In ending, Filteau says: “In today’s world of ideas, it’s truly hard to assess what impact any single person has had, but it’s at least arguable that McLean may have had more influence on world events over the past 40 years than many far more public figures of that era.”

Read the article…

Memorial Celebration of the Life of Larry Rosebaugh, OMI July 11th, 2009

2009-07-02-003Forty days after he was killed on the road to Playa Grande in Guatemala a great crowd gathered to remember and celebrate the gift of Fr Lorenzo Rosebaugh OMI in their lives. The celebration was led by the bishop of Quiche, Monsenor Mario Molina and the apostolic nuncio to Guatemala His Excellency the most reverend Paul Richard Gallagher, alongside numerous priests and leaders in the community.

View photos of the memorial celebration.

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