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A New Country is Born! July 2nd, 2011

This month we join Catholic Relief Services in their leading the efforts for peace and development in the newly formed nation of the Republic of South Sudan.
Learn more at: Catholic Relief Services

On July 9, 2011 Southern Sudan will become the world’s newest nation—The Republic of South Sudan. This result came about after a referendum for independence that, despite all predictions, was peaceful, orderly and uncontested.

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Solidarity with the People of Southern Sudan January 5th, 2011

Prayer campaign promotes peace before Southern Sudan independence vote; photo by Paul Jeffrey, CNS

On 9 January 2011, the people of Southern Sudan will vote in a crucial referendum whether they will unify with or secede from Northern Sudan. The vote will likely give a birth to a new country; however what happens in the wake of the referendum is less certain. The people of Southern Sudan have endured almost five decades of war and displacement. Southern Sudan is the least-developed part of the country, but contains important natural resource wealth, particularly oil.

The Catholic Task Force on Africa, of which the Oblate JPIC Office is a member, is closely monitoring the situation. CTA has in the past hosted briefings with Catholic Bishops from Sudan and religious workers from different congregations working in the southern Sudan through Solidarity with Southern Sudan which is sponsored by the members of the Union of Major Superiors (USG) and International Conference of Superior Generals (UISG) in Rome. The Missionary Oblates is a member of these international religious groups and is supportive of the missionary work done by the Solidarity with Southern Sudan initiative.

The U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Office of International Justice and Peace in conjunction with Catholic Relief Service issued a statement on 28 December 2010, “Peace in Sudan: Your Help Needed as Vote Nears” which encourages U.S. Catholics to pray and advocate for their brothers and sisters in Sudan. The Bishops are urging schools, schools, religious communities to offer special prayers for people in Sudan, especially on January 9th and in the weeks following the referendum vote.

More information and action suggestions can be found at Catholic Relief Services – Peace in Sudan

Congo Week of Action: October 17- 23 October 14th, 2010

The Missionary Oblates JPIC office joins millions around the world in commemorating the  Congo Week of Action.

Faith communities, civil society groups in fifty countries and about two hundred universities will mark the week-long set of actions which is designed to raise awareness about the devastating situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and mobilize support on behalf of the country’s people. It will take place from Sunday October 17 to Saturday October 23. 2010.

Democratic Republic of Congo remains one of the largest and most neglected humanitarian crises today with more than six million deaths since 1998. Millions of people have been displaced and many thousands of women and children have

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Elders Speak Out on Sri Lanka August 17th, 2010

The Elders, an independent group of eminent global leaders, brought together by Nelson Mandela, who offer their collective influence and experience to support peace building, help address major causes of human suffering and promote the shared interests of humanity have recently issued a statement of concern about Sri Lanka.

They are alarmed that since the brutal end to the twenty-five year civil war in May of 2009, Sri Lanka has made no real progress on reconciliation and that the government’s “persecution of critics is ‘terrifying’.” Additionally, the group feels that “Sri Lanka’s disturbing actions [have been] met by ‘deafening global silence’. According to Kofi Annan, a member of the 12-person group, “The international community cannot be selective in its approach to upholding the rule of law and respect for human rights. Impunity anywhere is a threat to international peace and security everywhere.”

Read the Elders’ full statement on Sri Lanka here…

What’s Happening at the UN? February 18th, 2010

RTEmagicC_UN_all_43rd_Session_UN_Commission.jpgCommission on Social Development

The 48th Session of the Commission for Social Development met at UN HQ in New York February 3-12. The theme was “Social Integration,” taking into account its relationship with poverty eradication, full employment and decent work for all. Learn more about the CSD…

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