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Zambia: Oblate Bishop Paul Duffy Attacked for Speaking on Behalf of the Poor January 21st, 2010

2africa5Oblate Bishop Paul Duffy of Mongu diocese, who has been doing missionary work for the last 25 years in Zambia’s Western Province, called on the Government of Zambia to help the poor by fulfilling a campaign promise to rebuild the main road and provide more economic opportunities for local people.

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January Proclaimed Human Trafficking Month January 12th, 2010

President Obama has proclaimed January 2010 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, culminating in the annual celebration of National Freedom Day on February 1.

The US State Department estimates that 14,500-17,500 people are trafficked into the United States each year in a modern-day version of slavery. These numbers do not show the estimated 100,000 minors that are trafficked within U.S. borders into prostitution, nor do they show the individuals that never receive services or law enforcement intervention.

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Pope Benedict Denounces the Failure to Forge New Climate Treaty January 11th, 2010

Pope Benedict XVI strongly criticized the failure of world leaders to agree to a new climate change treaty in Copenhagen last month, saying that world peace depends on safeguarding God’s creation.

The Pope made his comments in a speech to ambassadors accredited to the Vatican, an annual appointment during which the pontiff reflects on issues the Vatican wants to highlight to the diplomatic corps.

Pope Benedict has been very vocal about the need to protect the environment, taking steps to decrease the carbon footprint of the Vatican. Protection of creation is a moral issue for the pontiff who highlighted the fact that climate change is particularly critical for island nations, and also for the African continent where the battle for resources and increasing desertification has led to armed conflicts.

In his speech, Benedict criticized the “economic and political resistance” to fighting environmental degradation and creating a new climate treaty at last month’s negotiations in Copenhagen.

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Climate Justice for a Changing Planet December 8th, 2009

Flooding-In-ZambiaClimate Justice for a Changing Planet: A Primer for Policy Makers and NGOs shines a light on the important intersection of equity and justice in the context of the current climate change debate. This new publication from the United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) explores climate justice as an emerging concept and as a key to understanding the global debate. The book demonstrates that climate justice is not only an ethical imperative, but also an economic and social one.

Learn more and access a PDF of the publication.

In an effort to further highlight the issue and to develop further understanding of the concept, NGLS has also launched a series of guest articles and interviews with climate justice experts and advocates. This series will continue through January of 2010. The series and more information can be found at

Stand Up Against Poverty September 26th, 2009

standup2Millions of people around the world will Stand Up and Take Action from October 16 to 18 to show their support for the fight against poverty and for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

This year a deepening financial crisis and a slowing global economy pose great challenges for development in general and for the MDGs in particular.

In 2007, 47 million people Stood Up. Last year, 116 million people Stood Up and Took Action.

Join them in 2009. For information and suggestions go to

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