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2021 Eco-living Tips August 6th, 2021

Small changes go a long way in the quest to live more sustainably. You can start with a handful of changes in your everyday life. To help you on this journey, we have created two brochures: Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. and Choosing Earth-Friendly Products. The brochures are packed with manageable tips to act on and guidance for adding environmentally friendly products to your daily life. 

Our new brochures are available in English and Spanish and can be downloaded below.


Download the brochures in English & Spanish

Download for printing:

  • 2021 Reduce Reuse Recycle (English) – DOWNLOAD
  • 2021 Reduce Reuse Recycle (Spanish) – DOWNLOAD
  • 2021 Eco -friendly Tips (English) – DOWNLOAD
  • 2021 Eco -friendly Tips (Spanish) – DOWNLOAD



Replace Disposables with Reusable Products April 11th, 2011

Replace Disposables: Wherever possible, replace disposable products with reusable ones (i.e., razor, food storage, batteries, ink cartridges (buy refill ink), coffee filters, furnace or air conditioner filters, etc.).

San Antonio Recycling Growth Story Presented to UN March 11th, 2011

U.S. based recycling company, Greenstar Recycling has been discussing the role it played in helping San Antonio, Texas create a pathway to zero waste at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Read the article…

San Antonio is home to the Oblate School of Theology and Oblates there have been active in promoting environmental awareness. Patti Radle, former San Antonio City Council member and current Oblate JPIC Committee member has carried this thinking into the Mayor’s office where she has encouraged a shift away from the use of bottled water. Together we can all make a difference!

Check out the blog on Sustainable Living in San Antonio…

Eco-tip: Prevent Litter, Protect Animals January 26th, 2011


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Cigarette butts, snack wrappers, take-out boxes, and drink containers are our most common liter. Each one can hurt animals in a different way. Little animals like squirrels and skunks sometimes stick their heads in small plastic containers (especially yogurt containers) trying to get the food that’s left, and get stuck there. Deer and other animals often cut their tongues on half-opened cans. Six-pack rings of soda cans can trap and strangle birds, fish, and other animals. Animals mistake cigarette butts which are made of plastic and eat them, which can kill them.

So, when you go hiking take a trash bag to collect your trash and other trash along the way. The animals from the forest will greatly appreciate it.

Click here to read more »

One Rechargeable Battery Can Replace 1,000 Regular Batteries January 19th, 2011

Did you know? People in the United States buy three billion batteries every year. That’s about 10 batteries for each person in the country, including babies. Most of these batteries are made to be thrown away. But rechargeable batteries are made to be reused. These batteries aren’t perfect. But they are better for the Earth than disposable batteries. One rechargeable can take the place of up to 1,000 regular (single use alkaline) batteries during its lifetime. Yep, that’s right 1,000! Amazing, no?

Make the batteries that you use last longer:

  • Take them out of equipment that you are putting away for a while.
  • Don’t put batteries (or things that have batteries in them) in really hot places. Heat shortens a batteries’ life.
  • Don’t use old batteries with new ones. It wears out the new ones faster.
  • But most important use rechargeable batteries.

Want this and other Eco-Tips in Spanish? Visit our Spanish site

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