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Spanish Environmental Brochures Now Available January 8th, 2010

Reduce-Reuse-and-RecycleSpanish language versions of the new OMI JPIC Environmental Brochures are now available for download and printing.

Visit our Spanish site and look for the post: Nuevos Folletos sobre Uso de Agua, Alimentos, Productos de Limpieza Inofensivos, Comercio Justo y Más!

Oblates interested in receiving printed brochures can request copies from the US Oblate JPIC Office. Please email Mary O’Herron.

New Brochures on Water Use, Food, Safe Cleaning Products, Fair Trade and More! October 7th, 2009

Updated brochures on environmental issues from the Oblate JPIC Office are now available in English and Spanish.

Topics include:

Spanish versions are also now available:

We are encouraging widespread distribution of these materials. Click on each topic above to download a PDF for printing and distribution.


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