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USCCB Launches Respect Life Program for 2012-2013 October 9th, 2012

The United States Catholics Bishops Conference (USCCB) program has launched their 2012-2013 “Respect Life Program”. The Bishops are inviting Catholics to renew their personal commitment to defend all human life, especially for the most vulnerable members of the human family.

“By our unflinching defense of human life and religious freedom, by our witness to the transcendent nature of the human person, and by our compassionate service to our brothers and sisters in need, may we spark a renewal of love and commitment to the true good of others,” said Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston.

This year’s theme is: “Faith Opens Our Eyes to Human Life In All Its Grandeur and Beauty”. October is designated each year as Respect Life Month by the U.S. Catholic Church. Liturgical resources and prayers may now be downloaded from: These materials contain articles on timely topics in the cause for protecting human life and dignity.


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