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OST Students Minister to the Homeless at Haven for Hope April 22nd, 2010

Oblate Students at Haven for Hope

OST Students at Haven for Hope with Patti Radle, Oblate JPIC Committee member and Haven for Hope Board Vice-Chair

Students from the Oblate School of Theology are taking an active part in the spiritual services on the campus of the Haven for Hope, a non-profit, 22 acre campus in San Antonio, Texas with comprehensive services for the homeless.

On April 26th, after four years of planning and construction, the Haven for Hope will open its doors, hoping to serve as a national-model of opportunities for human transformation.

Read a short article on this partnership sent by Patti Radle, OMI JPIC Committee member and vice-chair of the Haven for Hope Board of Directors (Download PDF)

Learn more about Haven for Hope on their website

Protection of Khasi Villages Overturned by Court Order March 19th, 2010

Joseph Gomes in the SylhetA January victory by the Khasi people in stopping logging on their lands has been overturned by a High Court decision issued in late February. Four indigenous villages in Bangladesh, with their 500 Khasi residents, will be destroyed if logging by a local tea estate owner is allowed to continue.

An Oblate priest, Fr. Joseph Gomes, OMI, along with other colleagues from the environmental community have been working with the Khasi people to protect the forest and their villages. We urge all parties in a position to do so, to raise serious concerns with the Government of Bangladesh regarding this situation.

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Support the Energy Security Through Transparency Act of 2009 March 1st, 2010

miningThe Energy Security through Transparency Act of 2009 (S.1700), also called the ESTT Act was introduced in September 2009 and needs your support!

The ESTT Act requires gas, oil and mineral companies registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange to disclose payments to foreign governments for the commercial extraction of oil, natural gas and minerals.

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Religious Leaders Issue Call for National Immigration Reform February 11th, 2010

town-hallWashington, DC

In an unprecedented show of religious support for just, humane, comprehensive immigration reform, religious leaders from across the theological and ideological spectrum and Members of Congress kicked off a nationwide mobilization for immigration reform today on a conference call with reporters.

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Haitians in US Granted Temporary Protective Status January 15th, 2010

The Obama Administration late Friday afternoon announced the granting of Temporary Protective Status to undocumented Haitians currently living in the United States. This Protection is for a period of 18 months and will apply only to Haitians already in the US. The Administration had suspended deportations of Haitians immediately following the massive earthquake on Tuesday that devastated Port au Prince, the Haitian capital.

The Oblate JPIC Office welcomes this development. Thanks to everyone who responded to our Action Alert on this.

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