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Celebrating the Summer Solstice on the Bluffs! June 28th, 2012

Each year, the Oblate Ecological Initiative celebrates the Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year, when the sun is at its farthest point north of the equator.

This event is an opportunity to welcome the summer season and to heal our separation from the Earth by immersing ourselves in the heavens and the natural world. The OEI celebration connected the participants in many ways:

Viewing the prominences on the sun through solar scopes provided by two local astronomers

Photographs of the Sun!

Participating in a scavenger hunt that taught ecological principles. For example, they were to find something that eats the sun, something that is not connected to anything else (trick question), and evidence of the presence of animal life

Marking the change of season with a ritual "turning of the sun staff" by our youngest participant who has had this honor for many years!

Sharing food - watermelon and herbal drinks made from fennel and mint growing near the OEI office.

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