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US JPIC Committee, Oblate Students Attend JPIC, VIVAT and AFJN Meetings in Washington April 22nd, 2010

102_0267The US JPIC Committee and the JPIC staff met in Washington, DC from April 14 through the 15th to discuss the JPIC policies and priorities.

Nearly all of the Committee members were able to stay to attend JPIC April 2010 010a meeting on Friday  and Saturday that introduced VIVAT International to North American members of the association. VIVAT is an advocacy effort at the United Nations. The Oblates are presently Associate JPIC April 2010 029Members , with Daniel LeBlanc, OMI working closely with the group.

Several Oblate students from Zambia then arrived on Friday for the weekend meeting of the Africa Faith and Justice Oblate group headed for VIVAT meeting 4-10Network.

Earth Day 2010! April 22nd, 2010

Picture-153April 22nd marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Forty years after the first Earth Day, the world is in greater peril than ever. While climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, it also presents the greatest opportunity – an unprecedented opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy now and for the future. Consumption patterns also pose a threat. Today’s consumption is undermining the environmental resource base and exacerbating inequalities.

Daniel LeBlanc, OMI – now in Bolivia for the Alternative Climate Summit sent the following for our contemplation and action on Earth Day:

Click here to read more »

World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth April 20th, 2010

morales leads in clmate change conferenceThis week, Bolivian President Evo Morales is convening the People’s World Conference on Climate Change, an alternative to the unwieldy and U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change that fell so far short of expectations last December. NGOs, scientists, activists, indigenous leaders, and representatives of 60 to 70 national governments are coming together for this alternative conference – in all, about 7,500 attendees from 110 countries.

Daniel LeBlanc, OMI – Oblate representative to the UN – is attending the conference and sent this update yesterday:

Cochabamba, Bolivia, 19 April 2010

The Conference officially begins Tuesday morning with President Evo Morales doing the honors.

However, today there were already several events and huge crowds. Fr. Gregorio Iriarte OMI was to give a talk at 4:30, along with 3 other panelists, and so I accompanied him to the stadium where credentials were given to those who had registered through the internet, as well as to those who had neglected to do so. I had already picked up my pass, and Fr. Gregorio is over around 80 years old and had to give a talk, so they let him through. Once they gave him his credentials, he was told that apart from the credentials for those who had already registered and those who had come later, 20,000 credentials had been distributed. There were still long line-ups out on the sidewalks – I estimate between 7 and 8 blocks long – and they had to send to the printer to get more passes printed – so attendance will be good, better than expected.

Please see on-line for much more information in Spanish and in English (choose language) at

Read a summary of the positions being advocated by Bolivian President Morales during the conference.

Recent Developments at the United Nations April 14th, 2010

RTEmagicC_UN_all_43rd_Session_UN_Commission.jpgDaniel LeBlanc, OMI – Oblate representative at the United Nations – shares about recent meetings at the UN. His report focuses on:

  1. Two High Level Meetings on the Global Financial Crisis
  2. Summit on MDGs + 10 Review
  3. Extreme Poverty: An Affront to Human Rights

Read the Report (Download PDF)

Spring 2010 Issue of JPIC Report Available March 18th, 2010

september-2009-jpic-newsThe Spring 2010 issue of JPIC Report, the newsletter of the US Justice, Peace/Integrity of Creation Office of the Missionary Oblates is now available on line.

This issue features updates on Sri Lanka, Haiti, logging in Bangladesh, immigration, financial regulatory reform, an Eco-Tips page and more.

Read the Spring 2010 Issue (Download PDF)

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