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Sri Lanka cited in Address of UN Human Rights High Commissioner March 5th, 2010

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay highlighted on-going human rights problems in Sri Lanka in a recent address to the UN Himan Rights Council as she presented the UNHCHR 2009 Annual Report.

“In Sri Lanka, I welcome the progress made in returning displaced persons, and hope the review and release of security detainees can similarly be expedited. But the opportunity for peace and reconciliation continues to be marred by the treatment of journalists, human rights defenders and other critics of the Government. I am convinced that Sri Lanka should undertake a full reckoning of the grave violations committed by all sides during the war, and that the international community can be helpful in this regard,” Commissioner Pillay said in her Address to the Human Rights Council.

Commissioner Pillay’s Address to the UN HR Council (Download PDF)

News from the UN March 1st, 2010

united-nationsFollow-up on Copenhagen Accord on Climate Change

The United Nations has set-up a High-Level Panel to implement a key component of the Copenhagen Accord to promote climate mitigation and adaptation financing in developing countries.

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What’s Happening at the UN? February 18th, 2010

RTEmagicC_UN_all_43rd_Session_UN_Commission.jpgCommission on Social Development

The 48th Session of the Commission for Social Development met at UN HQ in New York February 3-12. The theme was “Social Integration,” taking into account its relationship with poverty eradication, full employment and decent work for all. Learn more about the CSD…

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The State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples February 18th, 2010

SOWIP_cover100The States of the World’s Indigenous People – a report issued by the Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues – is now available.

Indigenous peoples contribute extensively to the cultural diversity of humanity, being responsible for more than two thirds of its languages and an extraordinary amount of its traditional knowledge.

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Pope Benedict Denounces the Failure to Forge New Climate Treaty January 11th, 2010

Pope Benedict XVI strongly criticized the failure of world leaders to agree to a new climate change treaty in Copenhagen last month, saying that world peace depends on safeguarding God’s creation.

The Pope made his comments in a speech to ambassadors accredited to the Vatican, an annual appointment during which the pontiff reflects on issues the Vatican wants to highlight to the diplomatic corps.

Pope Benedict has been very vocal about the need to protect the environment, taking steps to decrease the carbon footprint of the Vatican. Protection of creation is a moral issue for the pontiff who highlighted the fact that climate change is particularly critical for island nations, and also for the African continent where the battle for resources and increasing desertification has led to armed conflicts.

In his speech, Benedict criticized the “economic and political resistance” to fighting environmental degradation and creating a new climate treaty at last month’s negotiations in Copenhagen.

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