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US State Department Trafficking in Persons Report for 2013 Now Available June 28th, 2013

Screen_Shot_2013-06-21_at_9.14.33_AMThe State Department has recently released the 2013 Trafficking in Persons Report. The report and the ceremony releasing it are available on the State Department website (click here).











Us State Department Trafficking in Persons Report of 2011 Released June 30th, 2011

The US State Department has issued their 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report. Although significant progress has been made in raising awareness and in freeing many who have been enslaved, there are still an estimated 27 million men, women, and children exploited by human trafficking schemes around the world.

Secretary of State Hilary Clinton released the new report, which she explained ranks 184 countries, including the United States. The report does not mince words, and has been credited with significantly increasing the attention given to a long-standing problem.

Read the report…

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