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USCCB Infographic to Stop Slavery! July 2nd, 2014

Please watch this new info-graphic from the US Catholic Bishops’ Conference Anti-Trafficking Program, and take action today!


Pentecost Toolkit on Immigration May 13th, 2014

Justice_for_Immigrants_logo_CNA_11_8_13Justice for Immigrants, the immigration campaign of the USCCB, has created a Pentecost toolkit of resources that parishes, Catholic agencies, religious communities and other JFI supporters can begin to use today.

They also have many copies of the booklet, A Catholic Teaching on the Issue of Immigration, which would be useful for Catholic groups and parishes. If you want copies of the booklet(s), or if you have any questions about the Pentecost toolkit, please call The Justice for Immigrants Team, 202-541-3165 or email via their website.


Become a SHEPHERD May 8th, 2014

Become-a-SHEPHERDAs Catholics we are called to seek ways that each of us can work with our dioceses and communities to combat human trafficking. This can be done through prayer, education, and responsible consumerism.

Visit to learn more about Becoming a SHEPHERD or email to request the SHEPHERD toolkit guide – now available in both English and Spanish – to help you educate your parish and community about human trafficking.

If you have already used the SHEPHERD toolkit, please fill out this quick survey from the USCCB campaign! They are looking for your feedback!

USCCB Delegation Examines Massive Youth Exodus from Central America January 27th, 2014

DSC00955.1A delegation from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops recently traveled to Central America and Mexico to examine and understand why unaccompanied migrant children are fleeing the region in such record numbers.

 The situation has reached crisis level. Whereas the number of children apprehended on the U.S./Mexico border averaged 6,800 between 2004-2011, it jumped to over 13,000 children in 2012 and over 24,000 children in 2013. The projected number for fiscal year 2014 is 60,000-70,000. Most come from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico.

There are many factors that prompt these children to undertake such a perilous journey, and the delegation delves into those in their report. But simply put, these children are fleeing violence: generalized violence at both the state and local levels, which has led to a breakdown of the rule of law and created a culture of fear and hopelessness.

The delegation was led by Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso, and included Jeanne Atkinson, Executive Director of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC); Reverend Daniel Groody, Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame, and consultant to the USCCB Committee on Migration; Jane Bloom, Director, Washington Office of the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC); Kristyn Peck, Associate Director of Children’s Services, MRS/USCCB; Ashley Feasley, Immigration Policy Advisor, MRS/ USCCB; and Kevin Appleby, Director of Migration Policy and Public Affairs, MRS/USCCB.

Here are the full findings and recommendations.


National Migration Week 2014: Out of the Darkness December 20th, 2013

nmw-2014-montageThe Missionary Oblates JPIC Office will join the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and its Justice for Immigrants Campaign in celebrating National Migration Week, January 5-11.

The theme for the 2014 National MigrationWeek is “Out of Darkness”. This theme is an invitation to the faithful community to reflect and recommit in its support of migrants, especially the most vulnerable: the undocumented, refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking. These migrants are the most vulnerable and run the risk of violence and exploitation on the daily basis.

As part of the National Migration Week celebration, the USCCB Justice for Immigrants initiative will launch a postcard campaign, a national call-in day and a social media day. We encourage you and your local community to use the resources at the National Migration Week website at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

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