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World Water Day 2019: Leaving No One behind March 22nd, 2019

On this World Water Day 2019, billions of people are still living without safe water, says the United Nations. In a press release on the occasion the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development notes:

Every year, the United Nations celebrate the World Water Day on March 22nd. Many institutions and organizations from different countries celebrate this event, in order to give more visibility to the many, complex, and often worrying water issues.

This year, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development has decided through this Communiqué to support the celebrations that are taking place, since the theme chosen by the UN for March 22nd, 2019 is very meaningful and symbolic: “Leaving no one behind”.

We welcome with gratitude the Message that the Holy Father has addressed to the FAO for this Day, and would like to invite the Bishops’ Conferences and institutions addressing water issues to contribute to its dissemination. Read the full press release and and Pope Francis’ message at this link


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