January 11, 2009 — Human Trafficking Awareness Day
January 9th, 2009
Sunday is Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the U.S. A resolution passed by the US Senate on June 22, 2007 made January 11th a day of awareness and vigilance for the countless victims of Human Trafficking around the world.
Human Trafficking involves the recruitment, transportation, and forceful detention of people either from one country to another – or within countries. Threats, force and/or deception are typical. Those being exploited are either unpaid or given a very small payment for their work, prostitution or other sexual exploitation, and are not free to leave these abusive situations. Each year, there are between 600,000 and 800,000 people trafficked across borders throughout the world. There are many more trafficked within countries as well.
For ideas on what to do, check out Breaking the Snares – A resource for parishes to use in combating Human Trafficking by the Sisters of the Divine Savior. It is available on their website.
If you suspect someone may be a victim of human trafficking call the Trafficking Information and Referral Hotline 1-888-373-7888
Posted in: Action Alert, Africa, Asia, Central America & the Caribbean, Economic Justice, Europe, Faith Responsible Investing, Global, Homepage News, Issues, Members, News, North America, Resources, Social Justice, South America
Related keywords: human trafficking