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Support Legislation to Remove Travel Restrictions to Cuba

February 10th, 2009

The Oblate JPIC Office joins the US Catholic Conference of Bishops in supporting recently introduced legislation that would allow travel between the United States and Cuba.

Sanctions against Cuba should be relaxed. According to the USCCB, “These policies have largely failed to promote greater freedom, democracy and respect for human rights in Cuba. At the same time, our nation’s counterproductive policies have unnecessarily alienated many other countries in the hemisphere. Improving the lives of the Cuban people and encouraging democracy and human rights in Cuba will best be advanced through more, rather than less, contact between the Cuban and American people. Existing restrictions on the ability of Cubans residing in this country to travel to Cuba are particularly objectionable. No one should be prevented from visiting a dying relative or attending a loved one’s funeral simply because he or she has traveled to Cuba once in the previous three years.”

The proposed legislation, H.R. 874, would lift all restrictions on travel by U.S. citizens to Cuba.

Take Action today to support this important shift in US policy on Cuba. Please contact your member of the House of Representatives over the next week to urge co-sponsorship of this legislation.

Learn more – See the USCCB Action Alert on Cuba Travel

Read the Letter of the Most Reverend Howard J. Hubbard (Bishop of Albany, Chairman, Committee on International Justice and Peace) to Representatives Delahunt and Flake, original co-sponsors of H.R. 874.

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