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Take Action TODAY on Immigration Raids

March 5th, 2009

Stop Immigration Raids – Sign the Petition to President Obama TODAY!

Work place raids by ICE continue under the new Obama Administration, not to mention the separation by deportation of parents from their children, many of who are US citizens. Over 100,000 parents were reportedly deported over the last few years. Even people who have had legal residency in the U.S. are being deported after spending time in jail for crimes that are not all that serious.

Please consider signing the petition given below TODAY, calling for an end to work-place raids. It is being sent to the President on Friday, 6 March.

Sign the Petition Now.

ICE agents raided a plant in Washington on February 24th (the first raid of Obama’s presidency) and it appears the administration may postpone just immigration reform to a possible second term. It is clear that without sustained pressure, the promise of change on immigration laws will not be realized for years to come.

On Friday, March 6th, thousands of petitions demanding an immediate moratorium on ICE raids until just and humane immigration reform is passed and implemented, will be delivered to the White House. Every possible signature is needed – if you haven’t already, please sign the petition today and forward this email to your friends and family.

Here is the text of the petition:

President Obama, we congratulate you on your historic victory, and we celebrate this moment with great hope that under your leadership we will finally be able to achieve a humane, inclusive immigration policy that unites families and offers a path toward citizenship for the undocumented. Fundamental reform of our broken immigration system is an urgent national priority. The first step, that you can take through executive order, is to immediately end all Immigration & Customs Enforcement raids.

The enforcement of the unjust laws of our broken immigration system is tearing our country apart. The workplace and neighborhood raids by squads of ski-masked ICE agents armed with automatic weapons are the most brutal and outrageous part of this enforcement. They tear our families apart. They terrorize our communities. And they routinely violate the civil and constitutional rights that define our nation.

The ICE raids must end now! President Obama, Latino and immigrant voters responded to the promise of change you made to our nation and voted for you by huge margins and in record numbers. We call on you to uphold that promise and honor our support by declaring an immediate and unconditional moratorium on ICE raids until just and human immigration reform is passed and implemented.

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