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Dream Act in Congress Today: Call Now!

December 8th, 2010

The House is set to consider the DREAM Act (HR 6497) today. In the afternoon, the Senate is expected to vote on a cloture motion (to end debate and an anticipated filibuster on the bill) in order to bring it to the floor for a vote.

We urge you to call your congressional representatives NOW to ask for their support of an improved DREAM. Click to get the contact info for your Representative and Senators. They need to hear from you.

As you may know, this legislation – the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act — could provide access to legalization to tens of thousands of undocumented immigrant students.

The Dream Act is still following a rocky path. Conservative policy makers are threatening to add increased border enforcement amendments to it.

This week’s consideration of DREAM follows a report from the Congressional Budget Office, which last week provided a cost estimate of S. 3992, the latest Senate version of the DREAM Act. According to the report, an increase in authorized workers over 10 years could generate $2.3 billion in various tax revenues and reduce the budget deficit by some $1.4 billion between 2011 and 2020. This should be reason enough to expand the DREAM Act.

Please join us in calling your representatives to support DREAM — and urge them to bring DREAM to more youth and students by including access and options to community service, as well as educational opportunities and job training.

Take a few minutes to call (202) 224-3121 to connect to your representatives’ offices and ask that they support and improve the DREAM Act.

Tens of thousands of young immigrants — “undocumented and unafraid” — and their supporters have rallied to support DREAM. Let’s send a message to Congress that we stand on the side of justice and in support of immigrant youth and students, for their future and that of their families.

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