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Call on your Senators to support the DREAM Act

December 16th, 2010

Last week the House of Representatives passed the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, also known as the DREAM Act. The Senate rescheduled the vote on the Dream Act for this week. The Dream Act would provide a clear legal pathway  for undocumented immigrant youth – who have been raised in the United States and who will pursue higher education or serve in the military-  to become U.S. citizens and live the American dream.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops praised the House of Representatives for passing the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act and urge Senators to pass the Dream Act, so that it can be signed into law by the President as soon as possible. The Catholic Bishops have spoken forcefully in support of the Dream Act and lobbied repeatedly for its passage.

In this last chance effort to pass the DREAM Act, Senators need to hear from you. Send your Senators a message asking them to do the right thing: support the DREAM Act when it comes up for a vote. Only 60 votes are needed to pass the DREAM Act in the Senate.

Take action: Tell the Senate to support the DREAM Act

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