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NGO Proposal for UN Commission on Social Development

February 27th, 2011

At the United Nations, members of Civil Society (CSO) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) work  hard to find better ways of promoting development, especially for those living in poverty. The OMI and Vivat International representatives are deeply involved in this process.

NGOs working at the UN have recently produced a document to tell governments of the world what they think does not work in their approach to development , as well as suggestions for what might promise much better results and help to eliminate extreme poverty in the world.

Read the NGO proposal developed for the 49th Session of the Commission for Social Development…


The Forty-Ninth session of the Commission for Social Development was held from Wednesday, 9, to Friday, 18 February 2011. Many Non-Governmental Organizations (including “OMI” and “VIVAT International”) are part of the Social Development Committee and the Sub-Committee on the Eradication of Poverty. The document referenced above was read by the Chairperson of the Committee at the opening session and has been officially received as a UN Document.

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