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Oblates Benefit from VIVAT International Workshop in India

August 26th, 2011

Seventeen Oblates from Asia (India, Jaffna, Colombo, Bangladesh, Japan) participated in a VIVAT International workshop held in Indore, India from August 8 to 11, 2011. Also present were Daniel LeBlanc, OMI from the UN in New York and Camille Piche, OMI from OMI JPIC in Rome.

Participants experienced the many social action activities of the SVD and SSpS, and Adorers of the Previous Blood, and heard the heart-breaking story of an Eritrean Comboni sister working amongst the Bedouins in Israel-Palestine who told of the daily bulldozing of Bedouin and migrant houses. It was very inspiring to listen to the bold direction of the SVD and SSpS to opt for social action amongst the Dalits and Tribal peoples instead of work in parishes.

The VIVAT workshop invited the participants to go a step further and through advocacy, work for structural change by taking on the issues and injustices suffered by the poor, and deal with the root causes of injustices by empowering the poor to take these issues to local, provincial, regional, state, UN, EU etc. levels where decisions are taken regarding the poor. Everyone found the workshop to be very worthwhile.

A Workshop report giving a short summary of the proceedings is available. Daniel LeBlanc, OMI, Sr. Mary John, SSpS and Fr. Richard Quadros, SVD formed the drafting committee.

Read the VIVAT International Workshop Report (Download PDF)

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