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Catholic Sisters launch billboard campaign for immigration reform

December 22nd, 2011

Ten communities of Catholic Sisters based in the Upper Mississippi River Valley have launched a public awareness campaign called: “Welcoming Communities.” The campaign is to insure that delegates to the Iowa caucuses, potential candidates and voters remember the critical issue of comprehensive immigration reform. The campaign is calling also the White House and U.S. Congress to work together to enact immigration reform.

The billboards with the message, “I was a stranger an immigrant and you welcomed me” are being posted on December 12 and will remain up through early January 2012. The message, based on the words of Jesus, is taken from the Gospel of Matthew.

“We declare ourselves ‘Welcoming Communities’ in affirmation of our Catholic tradition that holds sacred the dignity of each person,” the Sisters said in their statement, “and we invite other communities and people of faith to join us in becoming ‘Immigrant Welcoming Communities’ through prayer, reflection, education and action.”

For more information visit, OR


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