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European Churches Call for a Green Economy

September 12th, 2012

The Catholic Coalition on Climate Change reports has picked up news reports that changes to tackle climate change were discussed by over 90 participants from Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches from 22 countries at the 9th Assembly of the European Churches Environment Network (ECEN) this week.

Held at Elspeet in the Netherlands, the theme of ‘Eco-Justice, Growth and Hope’ concentrated on the tensions between the desire for conventional economic growth and the increasing ecological threats to Planet Earth . . . Delegates spoke of difficulties and struggles in all their countries; a combination of the effects of climate change, environmental destruction with loss of biodiversity and resources such as water, and the ongoing global economic crisis is challenging people and communities across our whole society. And churches are encouraged to be stronger advocates for creative change in the face of these growing concerns.

The article notes that [s]peakers referred to the need to move away from the current inequitable and unstable economic situation, towards a more just and sustainable economy. The report also notes that ECEN is supported by the Conference of European Churches and the European Catholic Bishops’ Conference, and its work is supported by the World Council of Churches and other partners.

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