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Polaris Project Pushes States to Combat Slavery

August 14th, 2013

state-ratings-gif-fixed5The Polaris Project works to end modern slavery. An important way to do this is by passing laws at the State level: Laws that explicitly outlaw sex trafficking and labor trafficking; Laws that treat child victims of sexual exploitation as kids, not criminals; Laws that establish vital assistance programs for all survivors of human trafficking.

To encourage greater attention to what needs to be done, the Polaris project has released a tool to measure States’ performance in combatting slavery. Their 2013 State Ratings on Human Trafficking Laws give two states (Washington and New Jersey) perfect scores. Mississippi, Arkansas and Wyoming have made important strides towards that goal. However, they note that a majority of states still lack basic victim assistance protections.

To see how your state rates, scroll down or download the information at

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