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Join “Campaign Nonviolence”.

May 19th, 2014

Brochure_flapPax Christi USA, of which OMI JPIC is a member, has endorsed Campaign Nonviolence, a movement to promote non-violence that is being circulated through Pace e Bene.

This campaign works to connect the dots between poverty, militarism, racism and the environment, and is promoting study groups around the country as well as direct action to serve as a public witness. Campaign Nonviolence will take action September 21-27 in cities across the United States as part of the long-term struggle to abolish war, end poverty, reverse climate change, and to build a culture of peace.

Please visit the Pace e Bene website where you will find a wealth of information and suggestions for concrete actions to support the Campaign.

Trainings in non-violence are being held around the country, with one scheduled for Los Angeles on June 7-8, 2014.


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