June is Torture Awareness Month!
June 2nd, 2014
Join the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT), which is providing educational, advocacy and worship resources on torture during the month of June. The group is also hosting activities to honor survivors of torture, ensure truth about US torture programs and begin the restoration of human dignity.The theme for the month is Exposing the Truth of U.S. Torture: Restoring Human Dignity.
A Torture Awareness Toolkit is available to help you and your local faith community participate in the awareness initiative. The Missionary Oblates JPIC Office is a member of the National Religious Coalition against Torture (NRCAT), and we encourage you to become involved.
Posted in: Action Alert, Global, Homepage News, Human Dignity, Issues, Members, News, Peace
Related keywords: national religious coalition against torture, NRCAT, torture awareness month