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UN Human Rights Day – December 10th!

December 5th, 2014

365 Human Rights_logo_final_CMYK_EN

Human Rights Day is December 10th, and we all need to spread the word!

The UN OHCHR is launching a social media initiative to stress that every day is Human Rights Day. We are all invited to record 6-second video messages (Vine) saying “Human rights matter 365 because…..” or “Human Rights matter every day because…” filling in the blanks with your own creative message. Tag your Vine with #rights365 and the OHCHR will collect them in their Storify. The video will be distributed through the UN Human Rights Office social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Vine and Storify). Please also sign up for a Thunderclap.

Check the High Commissioner’s statement and video statement – The statement of the High Commissioner is also available in the Human Rights Day page in all six UN official languages and the video statement –in English and Arabic– will be available in their site as of next week.

For any queries or clarifications, please contact

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