New Library Center inaugurated in Killinochchi, Sri Lanka
April 12th, 2013
A state of the art library in Killinochchi, North Sri Lanka was officially inaugurated in February of 2013. The library center was a wonderful initiative of Fr. Jeevendra Paul OMI and the Oblates of Jaffna in partnership with Lebara Foundation, UK. It is a vitally important development in the rebuilding of the north after a devastating civil war.
The Lebara Library will maintain an important collection of books, journals and reference materials for the use of the children and adults of the community. A language lab will assist the children and adults to become competent in English as a second language. Other foreign languages will be added according to need.
The I.T. Unit consisting of twenty-eight computers offers access to the Internet and web, an essential element in meeting the demands of a globalized world.
I.T. Professionals will be available to assist students to learn the basics and advanced skills required for proficiency in computer technology. The Library facility includes an auditorium and two lecture halls that will be utilized for tuition, seminars, lectures and interactive programs with social relevance.
The Centre will also be utilized for mentoring and guidance to enable the children and adults to facilitate progress in their studies and integrate within their resettlement communities. A bus is provided for access to ERC to children of remote villages, schools and institutions.
Additional meeting rooms will be available for organizations for conferences, workshops and interactive programs for the betterment of the community.
Read about the inauguration of the library…
Video footage of the library opening is available on the Jaffna Province website at:
Regular updates of the work of the Oblate Jaffna Province are available on the website.
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