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Right to Food Pursued at the United Nations

November 4th, 2013


United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, has submitted his final report to the United Nations. In the speech that accompanied this action, he welcomed “the rights resurgence” that he has seen across the world in the past decade.

“At a time when multiple, conflicting visions for food security have been put on the table, it is impressive to see so many States adopting laws, policies and strategies to realize the right to food, and so many people driving forward what is now a global right to food movement,” he stressed.

Mr. De Schutter said: “Treating food as a human right brings coherence and accountability. It helps to close the gaps by putting food security of all citizens at the top of the decision-making hierarchy, and making these decision-making processes participatory and accountable.”

He noted the importance of non-governmental actors, including religious organizations, saying,“Civil society has an indispensable role to play at every level: driving forward right to food movements, participating in the design of policies, taking part in monitoring, and developing new forms of accountability.”

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