Major Report on Human Trafficking, Forced Labor and Slavery Issued
June 23rd, 2010
Global NGO Shows Evidence of Widespread human trafficking across sectors and countries, including the United States
Verité, the global non-profit organization known for its state-of-the-art, ‘worker interview’ social audit, CSR training, labor rights research and supply chain expertise, launched a ground-breaking initiative today entitled HELP WANTED: Hiring, Human Trafficking and Slavery in the Global Economy. As part of the HELP WANTED initiative, the organization released a major report based on a year-long investigation that illustrates the prevalence of forced labor and human trafficking across many businesses across the globe. The group has launched a website to help stakeholder groups with the questions needed to be asked and steps needed to be taken in order to eradicate forced labor and slavery in supply chains around the world. To download a copy of the report and visit HELP WANTED, visit
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Related keywords: human trafficking, supply chain, verite