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World Mission Sunday 2015: All Called To Mission October 14th, 2015

“Being a missionary is not about proselytizing or mere strategy; mission is part of the ‘grammar’ of faith, something essential for those who listen to the voice of the Spirit who whispers ‘Come’ and ‘Go forth'”. (Pope Francis – World Mission Day, October 18, 2015)

Zimbabwe Borehole For Clean Water

Fr. Charles Rensburg,OMI with Bhomela community leaders in Zimbabwe celebrating a donation by St. Mary of Sorrows in Virginia, United States. The donation has enabled the village to get a borehole for clean water supply, benefitting over 3000 people.


World Mission Sunday (October 18) is a worldwide day for Catholics to reflect on the baptismal call to mission. Mission Sunday collection provides vitals support and sustain developing Catholic missions around the world especially for dioceses and mission centers in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands.   The theme for 2015 World Mission Sunday is All the Church for All the World.

In his Message for World Mission Day, Pope Francis says, “Mission is a passion for Jesus and at the same time a passion for his people. When we pray before Jesus crucified, we see the depth of his love which gives us dignity and sustains us. At the same time, we realize that the love flowing from Jesus’ pierced heart expands to embrace the People of God and all humanity. We realize once more that he wants to make use of us to draw closer to his beloved people and all those who seek him with a sincere heart. In Jesus’ command to ‘go forth’, we see the scenarios and ever-present new challenges of the Church’s evangelizing mission.” (Pope Frances, Message for World Mission Day 2015).

Pope Francis concludes by extending this call to the universal Church: “The Gospel is the source of joy, liberation and salvation for all men and women…In the full range of the Church’s missionary activity, all the faithful are called to live their baptismal commitment to the fullest, in accordance with the personal situation of each.”

The work of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in bringing the Gospel to the poorest of the poor is an answer to this call of the Mission and Spirit. Currently nearly 4,000 Oblates are dedicated to bringing the good news to the poor in over 60 countries through life in community and in collaboration with men and women of all faiths.

There are many ways we can respond to this call:

  • Continue to pray for Missions and please give generously on World Mission Sunday
  • Read the full text of the Holy Father’s message here





Missionary Oblates in Zimbabwe: “borehole for clean water” is a lifeline delivered. July 14th, 2015


Fr. Charles Rensburg,OMI with Bhomela community leaders in Zimbabwe

Recently, a Catholic parish of St. Mary of Sorrows in Virginia,United States donated to the local community in Bhomela in Zimbabwe. This generous gift has enabled people of Bhomela to get a borehole for clean water supply and help in development of local farming initiatives during the prolonged dry season. Bhomela community is a mission church for the Zimbabwe Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

“Many children suffer from water-born diseases as well as malnutrition in Bhomela area. This borehole project will go a long way in alleviating these problems and developing ‘self-help’ initiatives in solving local problems,”

says Zimbabwe Missionary Oblate, Fr. Charles Rensburg, OMI speaking on behalf of the local community.

“Words cannot begin to describe the community’s joy in having received a ‘life-line’ of water for the whole village.

 The borehole will be maintained by the local Catholic community whilst at the same time, complete access has been given to the whole village of over 3000 people.”

JPIC attends Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context. July 2nd, 2015


Oblate Director Fr. Antonio Ponce OMI participated in the conference on Oblate Charism in Context in San Antonio, Texas where he presented to the global Oblate audience on the topic, “The charism in North America in the context of JPIC.” Also in attendance were other members of the Oblate JPIC committee; Fr. Jim Brobst OMI presented on “Arts in the Oblate call, ministry and evangelization.”

Other topics presented included topics on young Oblate life missionary, immigration, and ministry among indigenous people, ecumenism, inter-religious dialogue, vocations and urban parish ministry.

The three-day conference June 30 – July 3 took place at the same time in all the Regions of the Oblate Congregation, through internet (video Conferencing application) in eight places namely: San Antonio (USA); Mexico City (Mexico); Rome (Italy); Obra (Poland); Kinshasa (D.R. Congo); Johannesburg (South Africa); Colombo (Sri Lanka); and Manila (Philippines).

The primary objectives of the Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context was to listen on opportunities and challenges to the Oblate charism as it is being lived in different contexts, become more aware of the richness of Oblate life, ministry and explore the sense of belonging to one apostolic Oblate body. It was also an occasion to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Oblate founding.

In addition to the richness of the presentations at the confernce, this online global gathering for Oblates reveal how today’s interactive technology can enhance our Oblate ministry, collaboration, animation and governance. At the JPIC office,we have as a priority make use today’s technology and  social media to support  our JPIC ministry outreach.

Learn more information about Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context here.

Our shared Commitment:Disclosure of Oil and Mining payments to Governments June 25th, 2015

IMG_1213The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate JPIC office has joined and signed a letter by faith-based organizations and    religious communities in supporting a U.S law, which creates more transparency of oil and mining payments to    Governments.The letter is addressed to Secretary Kerry at the Department of State.

 The faith based organizations and religious communities letter says, “As people of faith, we call on the U.S.  Government to renew its moral leadership to help combat corruption, protect human rights, and ensure that citizens can hold companies and their governments accountable for which resource concessions are granted, the money received from those projects and how the profits are spent.”

Read letter here: Faith Ltr. to Sec. Kerry-DoddFrank 1504[1]



Called to Take Urgent Action:Pope Francis Encyclical “Laudato Si” June 22nd, 2015

On June 18, His Holiness Pope Francis released the long-awaited Encyclical on the Environment;Laudato Si’ On Care for our Common home. Missionary Oblates JPIC applauds the release of this encyclical. The Laudato Si is rooted in key themes of Catholic Social Teaching namely Poor and Vulnerable, Common Good, Integral Ecology and Global Solidarity.

Here is the latest Missionary Oblates reflection resource on Pope Francis’ encyclical:OMI JPIC LAUDATO SI JUNE 2015


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