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Lives Destroyed, Dreams Crushed and Cheap Clothes April 29th, 2013

Father-SeamusThe collapse of a large eight-story garment factory in Savar on the outskirts of Dhaka a few days ago has resulted in numerous images, stories and reports. The loss of more that 300 lives, most of them young parents, alongside the countless number that have suffered serious injuries, has resulted in immeasurable pain, suffering and anger.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that the spotlight has been directed on the garment industry in Bangladesh.

Read Fr. Finn’s latest blog on Huffington Post…


Faith, Business Leaders Encouraged by Immigration Bill April 25th, 2013


The Rev. Kevin Collins, pastor of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, shows support for Gabriela Nieto and her dreams.

Houston’s faith and business leaders held a press conference to signal their support for immigration reform legislation introduced last week in Congress. The Rev. Kevin Collins, OMI pastor of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, joined other members of TMO (The Metropolitan Organization) in calling for support for the bill. TMO is a faith-based community organization in Houston that has been actively pressing for a solution to the broken immigration system.

The legislation, an initiative of a bipartisan group of senators, is the first major overhaul of U.S. immigration policy since 1986.

Learn more…


Urgent! Tell Congress, COSPONSOR the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act (H.R.1554) April 24th, 2013

taxes-ugland-bigWe need your help – Please send a letter to your Representative today to cosponsor the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act (H.R.1554)

This legislation addresses a systemic cause of poverty – the fact that many multinational corporations don’t pay taxes to the developing governments that need the revenue most. Between 2000 and 2008, 6.5 trillion dollars left the developing world completely untaxed. If this money had been taxed modestly, we wouldn’t be facing a global debt crisis and there would be better access to food in the poorest countries. A key way this legislation curbs tax dodging is by requiring country-by-country reporting of corporate payments to governments.

This is good legislation that also has positive impacts for us in the United States, curbs corruption globally and gives us the information we need to start addressing global corporate tax avoidance.

Send a letter to your Representative and urge them to cosponsor the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act (H.R.1554) to help curb this behavior that perpetuates the cycle of poverty around the globe.

Photo: The building is a well-known tax haven called the Ugland House in the Cayman Islands that houses 18,857 registered businesses.

Thanks to Jubilee USA for the information in this Action Alert!


Argentina Takes on Vulture Funds in “Debt Trial of the Century” April 23rd, 2013

vulturemanFor years, “vulture funds” have preyed on struggling nations by purchasing their debt for a pittance. Could an upcoming U.S. court decision put an end to the extortion of poor countries?

Read the article in Sojourner’s Magazine by Jubilee USA Director Eric LeCompte:

Last October, soldiers from the West African nation of Ghana boarded an Argentine naval ship called the Libertad. They overtook the crew and brought the ship to port in the town of Tema. This was not an act of piracy, at least not in the sense we normally understand it. The detaining of the Libertad took place after hedge fund NML Capital convinced a Ghanaian court that the ship, which was sailing in Ghanaian jurisdiction, should be held ransom for a debt the hedge funds claimed Argentina owed them.

The saga began in 2001, when Argentina was thrown into economic crisis and defaulted on its loans. Hedge funds swooped in and bought Argentine debt for almost nothing and circled until the country was in recovery to collect the debt in full.

Read more…


Immigration Reform Legislation Introduced April 18th, 2013

550348_493525247363661_99657107_nSenators introduced, late on Tuesday, an 844-page immigration reform bill in Congress called the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act.” The bill aims to make the most substantive changes to immigration laws in nearly three decades.

The bi-partisan “Gang of Eight” Senators and staff have been working tirelessly to create a bi-partisan solution that attempts to fix the broken immigration system in the United States. Read the bill here…

In the coming weeks the bill will be analyzed, and the JPIC Office will share opportunities to get involved.

Thanks to the Senators involved, who should be commended for having the courage to tackle this difficult issue.



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