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2024 Season of Creation Reflections – “To Hope & Act with Creation”

September 3rd, 2024

(By Maurice Lange, current Justice & Peace Director at Presentation Sisters & founder of the Oblate Ecological Initiative)

These reflections are inspired by Pope Francis’ 2024 letter for the Season of Creation. Each ponders 1 of 9 topics in Francis’ writing, with focus given to the 2024 theme of “To Hope & Act with Creation.” 

We need only take a frank look at the facts to see that our common home is falling into serious disrepair. Hope would have us recognize that…we can always redirect our steps.” (Laudato Si #61)

READ: 1st part of Pope Francis’ letter for the 2024 Season of Creation (below)

(Image by Almeida, Pixabay)

REFLECTION: : How did we come to have faith? Pope Francis begins this Season with a basic question that prompts serious reflection. What is your response? In examining the theme for this year’s Season of Creation, I’m struck by various parts of the phrase “To Hope & Act with Creation”. Throughout the next several weeks we’ll be pondering this theme along with each segment of Francis’ letter. Three cheers for the Holy Spirit who gifts us with faith and evokes our creativity! During this Season, let us, along with Creation and our God of love, co-create a world of justice, a world at peace.


ACTION: The Season of Creation begins September 1 and continues through October 4. Procure and keep a Season of Creation journal. Ponder the implications of how truly hoping and acting “with Creation” might challenge, enhance and deepen your Christian calling.

All it takes is one good person to restore hope!” (LS #71)

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