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Oblates Engage in COP10 – Biological Diversity Convention in Japan November 16th, 2010

Bradley Rosario, OMI sent a brief report on collaboration between the Oblates, Spiritans and the Society of the Divine Word to engage with the COP10 held last month in Nagoya, Japan, The “Conference of the Parties” Convention on Biological Diversity takes place roughly once every two years. The common theme of COP10 was “Toward the Harmony of Humans and Nature”.

During COP10, VIVAT International and the Institute for Social Ethics of VIVAT’s affiliate Nanzan University, organized a side-event, namely a symposium on “Integrating Religious Values and Greater Stakeholder Participation into Environmental Governance”.

Read the report (download PDF)

Story of Electronics Video Now Available! November 10th, 2010

E-Waste in Indonesia

Annie Leonard, the creator of the popular Story of Stuff video series, has released a new, short film – on the electronics that we all use every day. “Planned obsolescence” – now called “shortening the replacement cycle” – takes a huge toll on the environment, one we can no longer sustain.

Industry analysts anticipate Americans spending more than $8.5 billion on consumer electronics this month alone. While this may seem good for the economy, making all these products exacts an enormous environmental and public health toll.

Mining the metals destroys the environment in communities from Congo to Indonesia – often fueling conflict along the way. Assembling the gadgets uses huge amounts of water and energy and exposes workers to a host of toxic chemicals. Then, once we decide to move to the next, newer, better model, we leave behind mountains of old electronics — what’s called e-waste. A recent UN report notes that global e-waste generation is growing by about 40 million tons a year.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Watch The Story of Electronics to find out why and how we need to adopt the mantra of “Make them Safe, Make them Last, and Take them Back.”

Mentoring Students in Social Justice Work November 1st, 2010

Fr. Daniel Renaud, omi is interested in developing a program for students to learn about social justice work by engaging with people at the grassroots or through issue advocacy. If you are an Oblate involved in social justice work, he would like to connect with you to discuss the possibility of a student coming to work with you for a period of time.

Father Renaud is Chaplain at St. Paul University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He has recently been named chair of the Canadian Catholic Campus Ministry Association. This association, mandated by the Conference of Canadian Bishops, supports campus ministry in promoting the mission of the Catholic Church.

Fr. Daniel Renaud has been the Chaplain at Saint Paul University since 2004. His email is: The University website is

Fr. Renaud explains his idea in this interview with the Oblate US JPIC Office Watch the video:

(Watch the video on YouTube)

New Brochures on Water Use, Food, Safe Cleaning Products, Fair Trade and More! October 7th, 2009

Updated brochures on environmental issues from the Oblate JPIC Office are now available in English and Spanish.

Topics include:

Spanish versions are also now available:

We are encouraging widespread distribution of these materials. Click on each topic above to download a PDF for printing and distribution.


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