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2023 Season of Creation – “Harmonize Our Hearts” September 7th, 2023

White flowers on horizontally displayed guitar

(Image by Shirley Hirst from Pixabay)

By Maurice Lange, current Justice & Peace Director at Presentation Sisters & former Executive Director of the Oblates Lebh Shomea House of Prayer

The Spirit of God has filled the universe with possibilities and therefore, from the very heart of things, something new can always emerge.” (Laudato Si #80)

: 2nd part of Pope Francis’ letter for the 2023 Season of Creation (READ FULL REFLECTION)

REFLECT: Pope Francis calls us during this Season of Creation to dwell upon heartbeats: our own as well as those heartbeats which give us life: our mother’s… Creation’s…God’s… A pilgrimage place (like Lac St. Anne in Canada) is healing…and also inviting of an individual/group to go to the heart of the matter. Francis focuses us this Season by inviting us to journey with him on a pilgrimage. We are called to harmonize our hearts (our perceptions and lifestyles) with the heartbeat of Creation, that which gives life. Where do our hearts beat in harmony with Life? What influences in our society allure us away from such a harmony?


ACT: As we begin this year’s Season of Creation, we must admit how out-of-sync our Western hearts are with the rest of the natural world. Is there a link between such disharmony and our Western addiction to screentime (and derived dopamine)? * During this Season of Creation, create a plan to limit screentime. (And thus, have time and attentiveness to harmonize your heart with that which truly gives life.)

In the heart of this world, the Lord of life, who loves us so much, is always present.” (LS #245)


Reflections in this series:


Let Justice & Peace Flow: Season of Creation 2023 August 31st, 2023

2023 Season of Creation

Join in This Global Celebration
 (Background image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay)

The Season of Creation is an annual observance for Christians all around the world to come together in prayer to celebrate and protect God’s earth. It takes place from September 1 to October 4, ending on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.  This year’s theme declares, let “Justice and Peace Flow.” 
Green tree branches in woods with a small bridge over pond

“Let Justice and Peace Flow” — By Maurice Lange, Justice & Peace Director at Presentation Sisters

Green and blue earth showing one house upper right of image

Letter of the Superior General: World Day of Prayer
for the
Care of Creation

Blue background, yellow honeybee diving into pink flower

New Resource!
Practical Ways
Can Help Pollinators

Learn more about the climate crisis by visiting these websites:

Season of Creation 
Invites you to use these resources and share them with your church, pastor or other regional authority to join the Season of Creation, and even spread the word to local media.

Laudato Si Movement
The Laudato Si Movement works within the Catholic Church to better care for our common home.

Catholic Climate Covenant
Catholic Climate Covenant inspires and equips people and institutions to care for creation and care

Creation Justice Ministries
Seeks justice for God’s planet and God’s people

Interfaith Power & Light
Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA) works with hundreds of congregations of all faiths across Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia to save energy, go green, and respond to climate change. Together, they are building a religious response to the climate crisis.

Preparing for the 2023 Season of Creation – “Let Justice and Peace Flow” August 30th, 2023

By Maurice Lange, current Justice & Peace Director at Presentation Sisters & former Executive Director of the Oblates Lebh Shomea House of Prayer

“Let ours be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life.” (Laudato Si #207)

READ: 1st first part of Pope Francis’ letter for the 2023 Season of Creation (below)

REFLECTION: What is God’s desire? Pope Francis begins this Season of Creation by getting immediately to the heart of the matter: God wants justice to reign. Equating the kingdom of God to right relationship with God, humanity and nature, Francis makes clear that such righteousness, authentic justice and peace, is like a nourishing stream that does not fail. As we prepare to begin this annual Season, let us reflect on the ways in which we contribute to the stream and “let justice and peace flow”. And, for a thorough ecological examen: how do some of our perceptions inhibit such a flow? From where did we imbibe these “dam-Ing” perceptions? Let us live at the heart of the matter this Season of Creation and beyond.


Green foliage in woods with small bridge over pond

         (Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay)

ACTION: The Season of Creation begins September 1 and continues through October 4. Procure and keep a Season of Creation journal. You may wish to play with the water imagery of this year’s theme. Like a stream that flows with new water, may this Season be one of new commitment for you. “We thank you for being with us each day. Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace.” (LS closing prayer #246)



Letter of the Superior General: World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation August 21st, 2023

Let Us Walk Together Listening to the Call to Care for the Common Home

September 1st is the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. It is an initiative of Pope Francis who has also written the Encyclical Laudato Si’ (LS) on care for the common home. The 37th General Chapter told us that care for the Earth “is of special concern to us in our missionary work.

Priest with light blue dress shirt and cross around neck

Fr. Luis Ignacio Rois Alonso, OMI Superior General

We have become aware of our insufficient efforts to care for the environment. We are challenged, therefore, to commit ourselves to the fullest extent possible to make ecological conversion a priority as a fundamental part of our lives and as an integral part of our evangelization”. (Pilgrims of Hope in Communion PEC n. 11,1).

I am aware that some, perhaps even many, question whether care for the common home is really important to us. There is even a certain resistance, if not opposition, to accept some of the proposals of Pope Francis in his Encyclical Laudato Si.

I would not like to enter here into scientific, political or sociological considerations that certainly need to be debated. My intention is to invite everyone to read, pray and seek ways to put into practice what the Holy Spirit can inspire in us as we confront the texts of Laudato Si and the Document of our 37th General Chapter (PEC).

Green and blue earth showing one house upper right of imageI have asked our General Service for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation to prepare tools to help us do that prayerful reading in community to “study Laudato Si‘ affirming its value and urgency in all our communities. Sustain and promote our programs and activities in this area, linking with other groups through the Laudato Si’ Church Platform for Action.

Be aware of the simple things we can do in our communities, e.g., recycling.” (PEC 15.1) In this letter I would like to emphasize three dimensions in which we can grow as a charismatic family responding to the call of ecological conversion.


New Resource! Practical Ways We Can Help Pollinators August 14th, 2023

Actions to Support Local Pollinator Biodiversity


At the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) in 2022, countries agreed to return 30% of land and 30% of the oceans to nature. Seizing this momentum, in June 2023, Irish Bishops called for conservation of nearly a third of church property to become havens for pollinators and biodiversity.

The bishops’ initiative responds to:

  • Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical “Laudato Si, on Care for Our Common Home,”
  • the impending loss of biodiversity
  • and agreements made at COP15 in December 2022.

Integrity of Creation as an integral part of evangelization was re-affirmed at the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate’s 37th General Chapter in September 2022.

The OMI Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation has adapted some ideas from the Irish Bishops’ resource Faith Communities Actions to Help Pollinators and complied them as possible actions for people to take.



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