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Financial Transparency Coalition Meets in Africa on Problem of Illicit Financial Flows September 30th, 2013

tax_us_if_yu_canThe new Financial Transparency Coalition is meeting in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on October 1-2. The theme for the conference, is  “Towards Transparency: Making the Global Financial System Work for Development.” Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI, US JPIC Office Director,  is officially representing ICCR (Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility) at the conference.

Nearly a trillion dollars a year has been secreted out of developing countries, robbing them of revenue needed desperately for development. The coalition was formed to do something about this problem that is central to the development of poor countries. According to the Coalition, half of the illicit financial flows – a staggering $500 billion – is coming from Africa. Flowing from crime, corruption, and tax evasion, these illicit transfers represent a drain on developing economies that is equivalent to eight times the size of global foreign aid.

The US JPIC Office is involved in several inter-connected organizations in Washington, DC, working for greater financial justice and transparency. These include the Tax Justice Network USA, (where Fr. Finn serves on the Board), and the FACT coalition (Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Campaign). The international Financial Transparency Coalition was launched in May of 2013, in response to the growing awareness and activism around the problem of illicit financial flows.

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VIVAT International Jan-Feb-Mar 2013 Newsletter March 29th, 2013

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Please find the Jan-Feb-March 2013 online newsletter from VIVAT International here. (Download PDF)

Subjects covered include:

  • Academia and Advocacy
  • Human Rights & Big Business
  • Land-grabbing
  • Anti Human Trafficking
  • Africa Faith & Justice
  • 51st Commission on Social Development
  • Post 2015
  • Experience at VIVAT International


Solidarity for Peaceful Elections in Kenya February 21st, 2013

On March 4, the Republic of the Kenya will hold general elections. Catholic Task Force on Africa (CTFA), a coalition of Catholic religious communities and organizations in Washington D.C. has issued a letter of solidarity for peaceful elections in Kenya.

The CTFA statement of solidarity says,

Many remember the violence that erupted during the election of 2007. We encourage you, our brothers and sisters to reject any form of violence, refrain from hate speech and to avoid making ethnic tensions the center of this historic democratic exercise. We encourage you to use legal and peaceful mechanisms as you elect your next government.

The Missionary Oblates have a presence in the Kenya where they work in catholic parishes and operate development projects. United State Province Missionary Oblate JPIC office is a member of the Catholic Task Force on Africa.

Read the statement (download PDF)



Tell Congress: Cuts will Cost Lives! November 6th, 2012

As Congress returns for a Lame Duck session after the November 6 elections, your voice is needed to preserve poverty-focused international assistance during Congressional deliberations on debt reduction and appropriations legislation. Urge your Senators and Representative to pass fiscal year (FY) 2013 poverty–focused international relief and development funding at the levels passed by the Senate earlier this year. For Countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti and Zambia, this small amount of funding that represents less than 1% of the federal budget saves millions of lives.

Read the USCCB and CRS joint Action Alert for  details on how to take action (Download PDF)


Corporate Social Responsibility and the Churches May 14th, 2012

Thanks to the European Africa Faith & Justice Network for the following information: 

Bishops call for increased corporate transparency

Catholic bishops urge the European Union to legislate on extractive companies

While a group of EU member states, including Germany and the UK, are attempting to water down new EU transparency legislation, Catholic bishops from around the world urge the EU to push forward and require European Union-listed and large unlisted extractive companies to publicly disclose the payments they make to governments worldwide. In a joint statement, they say less stringent laws will fail to turn the curse of resource-rich developing countries into a blessing.

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