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Advent Week 4: Called to Celebrate and Protect Life December 21st, 2018
Advent is a liturgical season of prayer, anticipation, hope and joy leading to the birth of Christ. This Advent season we invite you to join in prayer and reflection on how can we care for the Earth our common home; empower our youth to serve; resolve the plight of migrants and refugees; and protect the gift of human life.
We are pleased to offer 1-page weekly reflections on these issues to share with your congregation, communities and use in your own personal prayer time. Reflections will be available in English and Spanish.
A big thank you to our Missionary Oblates and JPIC Committee members for developing the resources. A SPECIAL thank you to Bro. Lester Antonio Zapata, OMI, for providing Spanish translation.
WEEK 4 — December 21
- Click link to download Advent Week 4: Called to Celebrate and Protect Life
contributed by: JPIC Staff & Collaborators - Haga clic aquí para descargar la versión en español: Semana de Adviento 4: Llamados a celebrar y proteger la vida
WEEK 3 — December 16
- Click link to download Advent Week 3: Called to Welcome Immigrants, Welcoming Hope, contributed by: Dr. Victor Carmona, University of San Diego
- Semana de Adviento 3: Acogiendo a los Inmigrantes, Acogiendo la Esperanza
WEEK 2 — December 9
- Click link to download Advent Week 2: They Give All They Have: Young Adults Called to Serve, contributed by: Fr. Ray Cook, OMI
- Haga clic aquí para descargar la versión en español: Semana de Adviento 2: Ellos dan todo lo que tienen: los jóvenes adultos son llamados a servir
WEEK 1 — December 2
- Click link to download Advent Week 1: Called to Care for Creation contributed by: Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND, Director, Oblate Ecological Initiative.
- Haga clic aquí para descargar la versión en español: Semana de Adviento 1: Llamados a cuidar,
Fr. John Cox, OMI, Heads Delegation to Advocacy Day in Defense of Life March 3rd, 2017
Minnesota faces real challenges to life and human dignity. Catholics are called to respond and on March 9th Minnesota’s bishops, dynamic Church speakers, and over 1,000 Catholics from across the state will convene in St. Paul for Catholics at the Capitol, a day of inspiration and advocacy organized by the Minnesota Catholic Conference. Topics to be addressed include assisted suicide, school choice, and support for struggling families.
Attendees will be informed about the issues, inspired to bring their faith into the public square, and equipped to have meaningful conversations with their legislators.
Among the attendees and making the four-hour drive from White Earth, MN will be Oblate Fr. John Cox, OMI, of St. Ann’s parish along with others from the diocese of Crookston, Minnesota traveling by bus.
Fr. John Cox, OMI, with Fr. Joe Hitpas, OMI, and Fr. Dan Nassaney, OMI, serve the Catholic community of the White Earth Indian (Ojibwe) Reservation in Northwestern Minnesota. Fr. John will lead the group visiting legislators representing Minnesota State District 2.