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3PH Welcomes Visitors April 19th, 2022

Three Part Harmony (3PH) Farm Welcomes Visitors

by Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI

On Wednesday, April 6th, Three Part Harmony Farm (3PHF)  welcomed visitors from Nourish DC Fund & Dreaming Out Loud to their location at the OMI US Province property at 391 Michigan Ave in Washington, DC.

Just as the farm is on the cusp of a new season of planting and growing healthy, nourishing, and organically produced food for a number of constituencies, it was wonderful to welcome so many interested and energetic visitors and to share with them the 3PHF story.

After nearly ten years of operation, the collaboration between the Oblates and 3PHF continues to demonstrate ways in which local partnerships can realize not only great local food-producing initiatives, but become a center of learning and apprenticeship for interested folks of all ages.

This initiative realizes in a very specific way the call of Pope Francis to “care for our common home” by promoting food security, protecting and enhancing biodiversity and feeding the hungry, while respecting the integrity of the earth for future generations.

Three Part Harmony Farm(3PHF)  was one of 9 local businesses that recently received a grant from Capital Impact Partners (Nourish DC Collaborative) in partnership with Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser’s office.  READ THE STORY HERE: Three Part Harmony Farm (3PH) Awarded Nourish DC Grant  

Nourish DC Collaborative
Launched in 2021, the Nourish DC Collaborative was created in partnership with the District government to support the development of a robust ecosystem of locally owned food businesses, neighborhood vibrancy, and health equity in DC communities, especially in neighborhoods underserved by grocery stores and other food businesses. Nourish DC provides flexible loans, technical assistance, and catalytic grants to emerging and existing food businesses in the District of Columbia, with a preference for businesses located in or owned by residents of underserved neighborhoods. The Nourish DC Fund was a priority of the DC Food Policy Council in response to resident engagement and input on improving DC’s food system.

Dreaming Out Loud (DOL)
Dreaming Out Loud (DOL) was founded in 2008 as a response to educational and socioeconomic disparities facing communities in Washington, DC. DOL began with teaching character and leadership development in DC public charter schools, but soon recognized systemic issues around the food system, which led to the creation of community farmers markets, with the help of a local church and one farmer. Through economic opportunity, using workforce development and entrepreneurship training, DOL is driving deeper change within the community creating financial stability and food security. DOL aims to use the food system as a powerful tool of resistance, resilience, and advocacy for structural change.

Three Part Harmony Farm and WhyHunger Interviewed by ABC News May 3rd, 2017

Ahead of the April 29 Climate March in Washington, D.C., on Friday, April 28 Veronica Johnson of the local ABC7 news affiliate visited Three Part Harmony Farm with WhyHunger to learn more about their missions to “end hunger and poverty by connecting people to nutritious, affordable food and by supporting grassroots solutions that inspire self-reliance and community empowerment.”


Visit Three Part Harmony Farm’s website.

Learn more about poverty and hunger at

Three-Part Harmony Farm featured on Grounded Women March 13th, 2017

Photo courtesy of Lise Metzger, photographer and author of Grounded Women.

Gail Taylor is owner and manager of Three Part Harmony Farm at the Oblate Residence in Washington, DC. She was recently featured in a 3-part series appearing on the Grounded Women blog. Grounded Women shares the inspiring stories of powerful and committed women farmers in the Washington, DC metro area.  Read the stories here.

Growing a City: Gail Taylor, Part 1

Drive down 4th Street N.E. in Washington, D.C., a fairly active street near Catholic University, and it might be easy not to notice the thriving farm behind a chain-link fence. It’s Three Part Harmony Farm run by Gail Taylor, a key player in the D.C. urban farming scene. The farm’s name defines its core values: Read the full article.

Gail Taylor owns and operates Three Part Harmony Farm on the grounds of the Oblate Residence in Washington, DC. She is a longtime resident of the District, has worked in the Latin America Solidarity community with affordable housing organizations, and is now working with the food sovereignty movement.

Cast Your Vote! Urban Garden at Oblate Residence Featured in Saveur Magazine Blog Competition August 23rd, 2016

3-Part Harmony greensimg

“The Culture of Collards” has been nominated for Best Food Video at SAVEUR Magazine. This short film, which takes a look at the complex cultural and culinary history of collards, features DC farmers Gail Taylor of Three Part Harmony Farm at the Oblate Residence in Washington, DC and Rebecca Lemos & Lola Bloom of City Blossoms, and culinary historian Michael W. Twitty.

 View the film.

Then visit Saveur Magazine to cast your vote under the Best Food Video category!

Visit Three Part Harmony Farm’s Website.



Urge a Yes Vote on the Urban Ag and DC Food Security Bill of 2014 September 8th, 2014


The Garden at 391 Michigan Ave., NE at the Oblate headquarters in Washington, DC

If you live in Washington, DC, please join us in supporting the Urban Agriculture and DC Food Security Bill of 2014. The legislation is moving through the City Council this month, and your voice is needed!

DC City Council Member David Grosso, who spent time visiting the Garden at 391 last April, introduced this legislation, with the idea of building on the legacy of the urban farming act of 1986 and the DC Healthy Schools Act of 2010. This bill takes those initiatives a step further by opening up more public and private land to grow healthy food. Passage of the Urban Agriculture bill is very important as a way to develop local food growing capacity.

Gail Taylor, the farmer of the lower field at the Oblate headquarters in Washington, DC has been building the soil and productivity on the city plots that make up Three Part Harmony Farm for the last 3 years, but she and her fellow farmers need these policy changes to take the next step to really grow (in so many different ways!).

Please get involved in this brief grassroots effort to make sure the City Council knows how important this issue is to residents of DC.

Contact the Chairman and members of the DC City Council Finance and Revenue Committee. They are currently in the mark up phase of the bill.

Please feel free to use these points as a guide:

“Hi, My Name is:

I live in Ward:

I’m calling/ emailing to let you know that the D.C. Urban Agriculture and Food Security Act of 2014 is an important piece of legislation for our city and that I hope it will be passed soon.

• The Act encourages private, District landowners to lease their land for agricultural purposes and encourages urban farming on unused city owned land in response to problems of blighted property.

• The Act responds to the District’s continued struggle to address chronic hunger amongst residents with a local solution: encouraging urban farmers to donate a portion of their produce to District-based food banks and shelters.

• The Act enables urban farmers to sell their produce both on and off the leased land, bringing easy, fresh food access to neighborhoods across the city, including those currently identified as food deserts.

Thank you!”


Please write or call:

Thank Grosso and Cheh for their leadership, and the other supporters of the bill as well:

Thanks to Three Part Harmony Farm for the information in this post. For more information on Three Part Harmony Farm, visit:


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