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Eco-Tips: Mindfulness about Waste

October 20th, 2011

The Great Pacific Ocean DumpDid you know that every year:

  • each person in the United States produces over 3,285 pounds of hazardous waste;
  • over 80% of items in landfills can be recycled, but they’re not;
  • the United States generates 30 billion foam cups, 220 million tires, and 1.8 billion disposable diapers every year.

Its time to stop. These are some of the things you can start doing today:

  • Favor products with a high recycled content, even if they cost a little more.
  • Reduce the volume of packaging you buy, reuse what you can, and recycle the rest.
  • Tell the clerk “I don’t need a bag”.
  • Use your own reusable canvas bag or backpack at the store.
  • Buy quality products and keep them for a lifetime.

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